Saturday 080913

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Team WOD
3 Rounds for time
1000 meter row
80 Slam Balls
60 Jump Pull-ups
40 Walking Lunges

In teams of two complete the above workout in as fast a time as possible. Only one person at a time is allowed to be working.

Post team and time to comments.

Jeff Shannon

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10 Responses to "Saturday 080913"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. jeff, you are such a badass! i am so proud to workout with you.
  3. JonD Says:
  4. The face of determination and the body of a greek goddess (J/K). I am sooo proud to workout with you Jeff too. I will see yall tomorrow morning. O ya Simone if you read this before tomorrow you can have a rematch if you want it, just let me know. Peace
  5. Jen Says:
  6. I don't know about "badass"...that was the first round!
  7. Cari Says:
  8. I really like team workouts but I have plans at 10 so couldn't make it ... did the 5 rounds of 500m row and 15 pushups that some people did on the last rest day; don't know the overall time but rows ranged from 1:57 to 2:15. Have a great weekend!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. great workout! everyone looked great today. gretchen, you rocked! you pushed so hard through that whole long workout, we finished 29:48 Rx reps all three rounds. have a great weekend, everyone!
  11. Kelli Says:
  12. As Rx Brian and I finished 32:48 -- not too bad! This was my first team workout and I really enjoyed it! - sorry B that we didn't beat the dream team...but we can't say that our intensity wasn't there (we'll get em eventually...;)
  13. paul Says:
  14. nice job 10am folks!

    Mark, great working with you, you beast!

    we finished as RX'ed in 26 and change (don't remember exactly).
  15. BC Says:
  16. Thanks Kelli, you were a great partner and I'll team up with you anytime. Intensity definitely wasn't a problem for anyone at 10am today, great job guys. I'm pretty sure Mark and Paul were counting by 2's...yeah, that has to be it. Have a great weekend and see everyone Monday. Go Trojans.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Happy birthday Angela! Hope you had a super sweet night.
  19. Mark Says:
  20. It was awesome working out with you Paul, hopefully we can do it again sometime and perhaps compete against Jeff and Kahrs to beat them.

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