Saturday 080920

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


As many rounds in 4 minutes of:
DB Single-Arm Hang Snatch, 2 reps ea arm (50#/35#)
6 Burpees
9 Dead lifts (135#/85#)
Rest 1 minute

repeat for 4 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each cycle.

Luke Denney, son of Coach Mike Denney (UNO Wrestling). Luke is an up and coming mma fighter out of Kansas City who is in town for the weekend.

He loves CrossFit and has been to the gym twice already, picking up pointers as well as getting workouts in. If you see him this morning be sure to welcome him.

Thanks for stopping by Luke. You are always welcome at CrossFit Omaha.

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8 Responses to "Saturday 080920"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 1st cycle: 3 rounds+4 snatches+1 burpee
    2nd: 3 rounds+4 snatches+2 burpees
    3rd: 3 rounds+4 snatches+1 burpee
    4th: 3 rounds+4 snatches+0 burpees :(

    and i didn't break up ANY of the burpees- that's huge for me!!

    saw a lot of intensity this morning- way to go!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 1st Cycle: 4+S+B
    2nd Cycle: 4+S
    3rd Cycle: 3+S
    4th Cycle: 3+S+B

    Which is...
    72 Snatches total
    96 Burpees total
    126 Deadlift total

    I now call this WOD the "circle of death" - -
    Theme song 'BODIES' "let the bodies hit the floor..." Exactly what mine did after it was over...

    Brian thanks for sticking around and timing Nick and I!!!
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Ugh. This one literally put me out. The snatches and the deadlifts felt great, but the burpees wind me every time and all the up and down brought on the makings for a black-out. Had to stop after the first set of burpees in the 4th round, or things were not going to end well for me. Bent over to start the deadlifts and it started to go dark and swirly. That's bad, right?

    1st round: 3 rounds, 4 deadlifts
    2nd round: 3 rounds, 1 burpee
    3rd round: 2 rounds, I don't remember how much of the 3rd round - this is when things started going downhill. :)

    4th round: 4 snatches, 6 burpees, 1 crash and burn
  7. paul Says:
  8. Addi, i love how hard you push yourself--i never get anywhere near that point!

    my modified version was:

    3 50# hang snatches (all lefty)
    6 ball slams (20#)
    9 DLs (132#)

    pretty brutal. I got 4, 4, 3, 4. I was on point to get 4 rounds in each cycle, but somehow i lost a round in the 3rd. Joe said we had 90 seconds left and i was just finishing round 2. oh well.

    nice work, everyone! way to suffer through it!
  9. BC Says:
  10. After the 9am group finished the gym looked like Omaha Beach at Normandy, bodies everywhere. There were less casualties in the 10am group but the devastation was the same. I can't remember all my #'s but the 1st cycle was my best w/ 3 full rounds plus 6 burpees and the 3rd was my worst w/1 full round plus 2 DL's. Great job by everyone today, and you're welcome Reba, glad I could help out. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
  11. Kelli Says:
  12. walking into CFOMaha this morning was awesome -- seeing all the 9am'ers going at it. It was a sight to see! Like BC, I don't remember my rounds really...I am pretty sure it went something like this:
    1st: 3 rounds + 1 burpee
    2nd: 2 rounds + 6 deadlifts
    3rd: 2 rounds
    4th: 2 rounds + 2 burpees
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. there was not one person who didn't push themselves to their absolute limit this morning. i love being a part of this family!
    3 rds + 6 or 4 burpees
    3 rds + 4 snatches
    3 rds
    2 rds + 6 burpees
    I wanted to get at least 3 rounds in each, but that last set of burpees just killed ricky so kindly captured on camera.
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. Go CUBBIES!!! NL Central Champions!!!!!

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