Saturday 080906

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

40/20 Tabata Run x 8

I have a distance marked out where the goal is to cover this distance in 40 seconds. Upon completion of this distance (or a scaled back version) or time running out you will get 20 seconds of rest before the next run starts. This will continue for 8 total rounds.

The goal of this workout is not one of scoring your shortest distance but rather how many times you cross the finish line in the allotted time. If you do not complete the distance in the forty seconds the clock continues to run which means less than 20 seconds rest.

Post number of times the complete distance was covered in the allotted 40 seconds.

Joe, I, and all of CrossFit Omaha wish Lindsey Herrera the best of luck in being accepted onto the Lincoln Fire Department. She is a hard worker, quick learner, and a beast of a crossfitter. She would be an incredible addition to any fire-station that would have her. We all hope you get the chance.

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10 Responses to "Saturday 080906"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Completed all 8 rounds in the time limit. Avg between 34-36 seconds evertime....i had one round at 37.

    Thanks Steve for pushing me on that last round!
  3. paul Says:
  4. First of all, Lisa, sorry I missed the party, but I wish you all the best! Sounds like I missed a great time! I'll make sure I get to the next one.

    Second: kipping pullups in the hizouse! I was able to get through "Tabata Something Else" today! I didn't push too hard on pullups or pushups, but i thought it was a respectable effort. my scores were:

    pullups: 6
    pushups: 4 (ouch)
    situps: 14
    squats: 17
    row: 86m

    Believe it or not I did that alongside a first-timer. Props, Sara(h)!
  5. paul Says:
  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. BC Says:
  8. So here's what I imagine goes through Ricky's head, "Let's see, everyone's going to be out boozing it up tonight so, hmmm...I know, I'll make them run their @sses off and hopefully someone will puke." While this certainly wasn't easy it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. I did all 8 runs in the 40 second window but had to scale to a shorter run after the 3rd round. I much prefer sprints like this as opposed to longer runs like 800's...I probably shouldn't have said that. Worked on butterfly PU's for a little while afterwards, I think I can do 2 now. Hope everyone has a great weekend and see y'all on Monday.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Thanks Ricky, Joe, and fellow crossfitters for all of your support and encouragement! See you on Monday!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. yes, b christ, ricky wanted someone to blow chunks this morning. that was the goal, he told me.

    i finished all 8 rds with the last 2 at like 45. it was awful.

    zachr and i did yesterdays workout when we were done because we missed out. finished in 25:48. he amazingly did a vast majority of the double unders while i was having "lefler syndrome," thanks zack.

    great job to everyone this morning. cant wait for monday morning to get back on 6am schedule.
  13. Mark Says:
  14. I completed all 8 rounds but the last 4 or so took longer than 40 seconds. I hate sprints.....
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I'm not sure what "lefler syndrome" is in reference to DUs. I did great at them yesterday! So if it means that you are a rock star I am all for calling it "lefler syndrome". If it means you suck like Hannah then I'm against it!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. screw you angela. zachr makes up for my suckiness at double unders. have a great sunday. see the real crossfitters monday morning.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I went to the 4th tree and don't think I did it n under 40 but kept going the distace. Jen and I did yesterdays WOD too. Our time was over 30 but we were taking our time. I still suck @ DU's. Nice work Paul and Sara!!

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