Monday 080922

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Sprint "Helen"
6 rounds for time
200 meter run
10 KB swings, 1.5 pood
6 Chest to bar pull-ups

Post time to comments.

A reminder that Fight Gone Bad is this weekend. If you haven't signed up but still want to please be sure to click on the link "more info" under CrossFit Omaha Events in the right hand column. *UPDATED LINK* I have also put together an itinerary for Saturday's event here.

Be on the lookout for a listing of who is in which heat as I will be posting it in the gym early this week. If you have a means please feel free to bring a side dish or any kind of food (beer is a food isn't it?) for sharing as we will be providing slow cooked brisket and chicken. Don't forget to remind family and friends to show up and cheer you on as well.

We will also be taking the get together to Gary Muhs' house later that evening to eat some more as well as to watch the Nebraska-Virginia Tech game. I will have more information later this week with directions and what not.

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9 Responses to "Monday 080922"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Singing... whoops - "Running in the rain" Everyone's trying to figure out a way to get of running in the rain, then afterwards standing out there to cool down. Great job 6am.

    Finished in 12:27. I didn't have to break up KB swings or pullups. I am happy with that. I am got closer to ctb more times than ever.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. 14:04 of hell.

    My hamstrings were super-tight still from Saturday... also, Kylie force-fed me ribs immediately before leaving the house. Otherwise, I would definitely have gotten sub-5. Really.

    Honestly, though, same old story. I suck at running. The first round was respectable and then it all went downhill from there. My biggest problem is that in order to get better at running, I need to run. And I HATE running. I'm doomed.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Nice intensity, noon people! We all suffered, and isn't that what's important?

    11:04 with box jumps (about 30") instead of pullups. tough one, but thankfully it went by quickly.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 11:41ish Rx, mini helen is shaping up to be as bad as mama helen!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 15:30 Rx chest to bar.
    I am not good at CTB pull-ups... I have to kip twice for each pull-up to get it. It sucked.
  11. BC Says:
  12. 14:31 I believe is what Kylie told me. The pull-ups slowed me down some as I have to really work to get CTB while maintaining somewhat proper form. Tried to make up for it on the runs. My KB swings were pretty good although twice I had to reset myself momentarily after the 7th swing. Great job 5:30 crew.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 12:18 Rx. Yes I hear ya Ang on those CTB, took extra work and had to break up my sets to get them - but worth the extra effort...

    For some reason the more rounds posted the more mentally challenging it is....

    "B" was freaking FLYING on that run!!!
  15. Steve Says:
  16. DJ, I thought I had you there at the finish.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 22min flat with 25(IBA)the most difficult part was the run due to the fact it was nearly 100 degrees out at 8pm. Good luck to everyone on Saturday.


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