Diet "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
65 pound thrusters (gals use 45 pounds)
Post time to comments.
Obviously, Veronica is in need of some encouragement and what does Jon do. He tries and gets some camera time. Just kidding. Thanks Jon for all your help this past Saturday and congratulations on a job well done to both of you during each of your respective workouts.
Jason Brilz: UFC Hometown Standout - by Mick Hammond, MMAWeekly.com
Have a FABULOUS day!
Danielle...looking good in those new shoes! :o)
Veronica...you seem to be getting a lot of camera time...you camera whore! :o)
Good job 5:30! I'm sad I missed mini-Annie!
Mel C
i did 150 box jumps for time. 7:02. d'oh!
WOD: 6:24 pullups slowed me down
Ricky, I left my black Nike sweatpants there this morning, I will get them tomorrow.
4:27 or 37 can't remember. This one is great, really shows what your weakness is pretty fast. Mine, pull ups, keep working at them.
6:20-something... Pullups slowed me down, too. They got a little sloppy toward the end. Thrusters felt good, though - Ifeel like I'm getting better at making sure my squats are deep enough.
I'll put it on my schedule for the next rest day.
Since time is not of the essence, I will not post mine. If only I could figure out a way not to slip off the bar...Darn sweaty hands. Great job 5:30. Always a pleasure!