Tuesday 080930

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Diet "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
65 pound thrusters (gals use 45 pounds)

Post time to comments.

Obviously, Veronica is in need of some encouragement and what does Jon do. He tries and gets some camera time. Just kidding. Thanks Jon for all your help this past Saturday and congratulations on a job well done to both of you during each of your respective workouts.

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23 Responses to "Tuesday 080930"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Birthday Shout-Out to Danielle!!!

    Have a FABULOUS day!
  3. paul Says:
  4. now danielle? okay, i'll say it--happy birthday, danielle!--but this is the last one for awhile. i'm all birthdayed out.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Happy Birthday to both Danielle and Makayla! (sorry it's belated Makayla!)
    Danielle...looking good in those new shoes! :o) seem to be getting a lot of camera camera whore! :o)
    Good job 5:30! I'm sad I missed mini-Annie!

    Mel C
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. at least i look extremely attractive in all the pictures! anyone wanna take me on a date?! ;)

  9. BC Says:
  10. If only someone would've had a camera ready after the cooler incident, THAT would've been a keeper.
  11. paul Says:
  12. nice work by the 6am gangstas.

    i did 150 box jumps for time. 7:02. d'oh!
  13. JonD Says:
  14. Happy B-day to Makayla and Danielle! I hope its a good one. Well I dont think I will be seeing yall until Saturday, Maybe :(. Im sad I got a busy week. Well enough of my complaining and I am not sure who is working harder Veronica or me in this picture? Keep up the good work everyone and I will talk to yall soon.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Happy Birthday Danielle :)
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. Happy birthday girls! Great article Jason - congrats on your success! I'm out this week - going to Palm Springs to watch my mom compete in the Master World Powerlifting Championships -- will post later and let y'all know how she does! And, of course, I'll try to get at least one CF workout in...:)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Happy Birthday Danielle!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Happy Birthday ladies!!
    WOD: 6:24 pullups slowed me down
    Ricky, I left my black Nike sweatpants there this morning, I will get them tomorrow.
  23. kahrs Says:
  24. Happy Birthday Danielle.

    4:27 or 37 can't remember. This one is great, really shows what your weakness is pretty fast. Mine, pull ups, keep working at them.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. stop bringing up the cooler b christ! I did it on purpose!

  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Thanks everyone for the wishes!! Have fun with Fran tonight. I will make sure to do this one tomorrow!
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Ugh. My shoulders hate you, Ricky and Joe.

    6:20-something... Pullups slowed me down, too. They got a little sloppy toward the end. Thrusters felt good, though - Ifeel like I'm getting better at making sure my squats are deep enough.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 5:00 not bad could have been better on both Nooners are a pretty good bunch but nothing compares to the 4 O'Clock group

  33. BC Says:
  34. "Introducing new Diet Fran! Fewer calories with that same ol' kick in the nuts taste you've come to love from regular Fran!" 7:33, this sucked. The thrusters went suprisingly well, it was the damn pullups that slowed me down. Ever since I tried to do butterflies I've somehow managed to regress - what's up with that?!? I had to come in during the 4:00 open gym time and I was the only one there which I'm sure didn't help my cause - it's much harder to work out solo. Well, Gabe was there, but he doesn't say much.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Bummed I'm missing this right now... There is just not enough hours in the day...

    I'll put it on my schedule for the next rest day.
  37. Steve Says:
  38. Good job to the 5:30 crowd. Was happy with my time. Ricky, I should've taken the bet...
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 4:11
  41. A Says:
  42. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!!! You are quite possibly, the funniest person I know! :-)

    Since time is not of the essence, I will not post mine. If only I could figure out a way not to slip off the bar...Darn sweaty hands. Great job 5:30. Always a pleasure!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. 4:14... I might skip tomorrow to battle sinus issues. Then again, it's hard to fight an addiction...
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Damn! I forgot about the no time thing. Tomorrow maybe...

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