Monday 080929

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post loads to comments.

We've got two heel-strikers in the house.

I will post the top five captions from Friday's picture in a survey on the blog by Tuesday and allow everyone a say in which they think is best. The most votes gets the free shirt. If there is a tie, we will have a face-off workout style for the shirt. Sucks I know, but lots of fun for everyone else if there actually is a tie.

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22 Responses to "Monday 080929"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Yes! A strength day!

    See you there, nooners!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Wait--winner of a workout gets the shirt!? Let's make SURE there's a tie!
  5. Addi Says:
  6. I knew you'd be the one to say that, Paul!
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. 142x3...

    I think that a tie should be settled with a drinking contest....

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I was reading Ricky's blog and his challenge to not "time" your workouts for awhile! At first I thought he had lost his mind, but then I thought about it - - I am going to challenge myself to do this for 30 days ( and not knowing my time is going to drive me nuts of course ). It is true that when I try and go faster, I lose focus on the movements. I will still go hard, but will focus on each rep getting full range of motion - ect. and just pushing hard....

    And then maybe to torture myself I will use FGB as my benchmark to see where I am at in 30 days and see if that really works ;)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I'm confused, so we want to be heel-strikers?? I am floating so it is hard for me say if I am a heel-striker, or if I even want to be :) But if it is good I totally am a heel-striker!

    Time....smime, it has never really been on my side, i'm down for not knowing it and really work on my strength and technique.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Mark your calendars for November 8th for Ricky and Crystal's Baby Shower, yes guys you are invited!! More details coming soon.
  15. paul Says:
  16. I thought heel-striking was bad--but, sadly, i'm pretty sure i do it.
  17. Jen Says:
  18. Have you guys not been paying attention? Heel Striking is like, arching your back on the push press, letting your knees collapse on the squat, not squating to parallel, not locking out on push-ups and eating twice as many carb blocks as protien blocks. In other words...its one of the worst things you can do!!!

    We need the endurance cert at CF Omaha stat!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Happy Birthday Makayla!
  21. Donohoe Says:
  22. happy birthdat makayla!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I just did:

    7 rds

    7 back squats (225#)
    7 KB swings (2 pood)


    not fun.

    happy birthday, Makayla!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. that is alot of rounds Paul! For some reason the ones with "higher" number of rounds always gets to me mentally, even if they should be fairly quick rounds....bc in my head i have 3 done, but 4 more to go - sheeeit......that is what my brain thinks anyways

    Happy Birthday Mikayla!!!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Happy Birthday to you Makayla!!

    I totally knew that heel striking is bad....just making sure everyone does too.
  29. A Says:
  30. Happy Birthday, Makayla!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 92# today! I am pretty happy about it. I don't know if its a PR but whatever. I like doing snatches with a full squat... its easier that way!
    Good job to the ladies at 5:30. And thanks Joe.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Oh- then a few of us did a version of mini-Annie. We did 30-20-10-5 of DU's and wall balls. No timing.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!
    Had a good one & will see ya'all tomorrow!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I did 63 lbs. Tried to go higher but didn't happen. I think my new shoes will help me get better. I did mini-annie with wall balls instead of sit ups...why I don't know. No time but I was last and I'm fine with that. Ladies at 530 rocked the snatch!!
  39. BC Says:
  40. Today was so not my day, and that's all I have to say about that.
  41. Mark Says:
  42. Got to 113# today, just barely so I dropped back to 88# to work a couple more reps on form. O lifts are still a big weakness of mine but I am getting better.
  43. Addi Says:
  44. Got 92x1 and then x2... probably could have gotten to 3 reps, but I figured if it took me 3 tries to get 3 reps, I've probably found my max.

    Dropped back down to 76 for 10 - after floundering around with more weight, those last reps felt really solid.

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