Tuesday 080826

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

We have a lot of new people at CrossFit and because of this some may not know that we still hold classes on rest days. We would like these rest days to become more and more of a time for everyone to come in, if they decide not to rest away from the gym, and focus on improving technique or weaknesses. We all need to work on something or things and I would like for everyone to have a plan before they come in. I would prefer to avoid metcon if possible and keep the intensity at a lower level. Of course this does not include running or rowing so long as they are done independent of anything else. So if you want to come in, please do.

Addi pull-ups.

What a 5:30 group we had yesterday. Everyone did absolutely incredible. Josh Kahrs with the sub 8 as rx'd. WOW! I would like to commend Kersten and X-tina for the impeccable form they displayed on the sdlhp's throughout each round. Best technique of the night! And Reba and Kylie showed some strength on the rings. Overall, just a lot of progress being made. Please make sure and introduce yourself to all of our new people and let them know they belong. Again, great work 5:30 and I look forward to many more group workouts like that.

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13 Responses to "Tuesday 080826"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. that was the largest 6am class i have seen yet. it was wonderful! everyone, all 13 (i think), did a great job.
    i did yesterday's wod in 11:05. it wasnt as bad as i thought, i just really hate sdhp. i didnt know what i wanted to do until ricky said "do something you suck at." damn. those are two of the things i do most poorly.
    i am excited to get back into working out 5 days a week. my body misses it...
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. I also did yesterday's WOD, as Rx'd, and finished in 8:25. Everyone at 6am was really working hard and putting in some good work on a rest day.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Well if I had to pick things I stink at or prefer to not do, it would be:

    Wall balls
    Double Unders
    Pistols..only done them once!!!
    Clean Squat with that ball
    Rower - my form gets so bad....
    Hand stand pushups!!! Yuck.

    granted I still don't think my back is quite ready for wall balls, but we will see bc that is one I really need to work on....along with pushups/plyo pushups/clapping pushups and strict pullups! dang...guess there is always room for alot of improvement...

    oh - i forgot overhead squats and knees to elbows..
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. A few of us did 25 burpees and an 800 sprint that Joe says is going to be a new benchmark. I did it in 3:10 and the last part of the run gives you jello legs. Good for a rest day though.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. A few of us did 25 burpees and an 800 sprint that Joe says is going to be a new benchmark. I did it in 3:10 and the last part of the run gives you jello legs. Good for a rest day though.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Oops
  13. BC Says:
  14. I worked on snatches and cleans and somehow I think I've actually managed to regress in both. Puppet arms, puppet arms, I CAN'T DO PUPPET ARMS! That makes it 2 frustrating days in a row, so I'm hoping I can get things back on track tomorrow. Great job nooners, and thanks for help Joe.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. reba call my work!
  17. A Says:
  18. Reba - call Hannah's work!!!
  19. BC Says:
  20. Reba, Hannah would like you to call her work. Call me El Guapo.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. We worked on snatch technique for the first half of class and then Matt and I wanted to do Lynne for our workout. We didn't really end up doing Lynne but instead Ricky helped us work on butterfly kipping pull-ups. I got to a point where I can string 5 or more together but they are still pretty sloppy looking. I am hoping to be able to use them when we get to the "Cindy" Challenge Finals. I did bench 154# for reps of 11,8,7,6,5.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. ok I am calling your work! dang! I just don't ever like to hear what they say, plus I know it takes time ;)

    last night my aunt joined me. She had sooo much fun! About a million questions afterwards of course. She lives in Norfolk, so there is no exposure to CF there for her, but she loves being on top of new information.

    Ricky made me do the following last night:

    5 Rounds

    250M Row
    15 Burpees no jump
    15 Ball Slams ( 16lb )

    Last two rounds he told me to jump burpees and only do 7. I finished in 15:13. My aunt did the same but only 3 rounds and half the reps and weight. and the first words out of her mouth on the rower were "you better watch out - I am gonna beat you" - - whatever!!! ha!
  25. zj Says:
  26. front squats got 184x2,174x5

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