Wednesday 080820

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 080501

Petersen / Schwen

Cindy challenge on Thursday. All classes, all day. $25 entry fee with $15 of it going back into the kitty. I want everyone to come with their A game in order to set the highest possible baseline. In eight weeks we try again and see what the numbers tell us. This would be a good opportunity for some of you who have been thinking about tinkering with their diet to do so. How much can you improve without actually doing Cindy?

Navy Wrestler Makimba Mimms claims permanent disability after kid's workout - [pdf]
(the rest of the story, courtesy of CFHQ)

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23 Responses to "Wednesday 080820"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Reading the legal documents was interesting. I actually enjoyed reading Dr. Clarkson's letter, made it apparent that the trainer was not very competent, I feel that there is still a level of responsibility on the participants part though. Through all the legal documents one thing I have not seen is any documentation linking the gym or trainer legally to Crossfit, such as affiliation, or certification. I feel it is also the participants responsibility to know this about a program they are entering into.

    Well that is my incoherent rambling for the night.
  3. A Says:
  4. Are you kidding me?!? Yeah....$850,000 total. Seems about right. Shoot, what would he have asked for had he done the Filthy Fifty? Please tell me there is more to the story - that he had to do this workout at gun point or something, because if not, and this gets an ounce of consideration, I am going to have a fit.

    The ruination of America occured with the McDonald's coffee incident. But for that, we wouldn't have ridiculous lawsuits of this nature.

    The sad part is, as we grow fatter, lazier, and more obese, you have more "educated" zealots trying to discourage the public from a variety of exercise forms. What's the message? It's much safer at home on the couch. At the very most, perhaps take a leisurely walk around the block. But don't go too fast. Wouldn't want to pull a hamstring. Way to go, society.
  5. A Says:
  6. Now, is it imperative that a trainer be well-informed, and attentive to their client's abilities? Absolutely. And is there always a danger in ANY physical regimen, that injury may occur? Of course. But there comes a point when the client needs to be aware of their own abilities and limitations, to make that painfully clear to the trainer, and to understand that ultimately, they are responsible for their own body. Unfortunately, that would require a word that's missing in most of today's society: accountability. Why be accountable when you can sue someone else? Just make sure to pick a state that offers compensatory AND punitive damages. More bang for your lawsuit buck.
  7. Jen Says:
  8. WOD = 208 lbs.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. i just want to take the time to thank joe and ricky and their assistants for their amazing leadership. without you guys, none of us would be where we are now. (minus a sprained ankle) you do amazing things with each and every one of us, pushing us to be the best we can be.

    i decided to go against the doctor. who needs to sit out 10 days for a sprained ankle?!

    wod: 109# (could have gone up more, i think but i had to take zachr home)
    great job to amanda. you are an inspiration. and xtina and lindsey, nice first cleans!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. WOD: 92#
    failed on 99#, I really need to work on moving my elbows through faster. great job Amanda, Hannah, and sis!
  13. kahrs Says:
  14. I love the video of the Makimba workout on the mainsite, worth a quick look.
  15. paul Says:
  16. i really can't believe that's the workout that gave this guy rhabdo, especially if he was a wrestler before. yeah, i think taking some responsibility for the injury might make sense.

    i love the video of the kids. damian's burpees are way better, but i guess that goes without saying.

    i think i had a dream about doing burpees last night. i'm considering suing on grounds of mental anguish.

    i am taking a rest day today because even a thoroughbred a$$ needs some rest now and then. i will be in tomorrow even though i can't do cindy.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Is this workout a hang clean to a deep squat and then a press above the head? Just kinda need to know - if its taking it overhead at all, I probably won't be in tonight...thanks!

    or is this the one where is all one fluid motion going to overhead? I get them so confused! i need to write down definitions ;)
  19. paul Says:
  20. Hey, Reba--i'm gonna be a know-it-all and try to say what hang power cleans are:

    in any kind of clean, the bar just comes to the starting position of the front squat--racked on top of the chest and shoulders. The bar doesn't go overhead. The power clean differs from the squat clean in that you catch high, instead of having to pull yourself under the bar as much. and with hang cleans, you don't have to take the bar up from off the ground; you start upright and only dip to about a quarter-squat.

    you're probably thinking of clean-and-jerks or clean-and-presses, where the bar does go overhead, after the clean.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Paul! THANK YOU!!! :) I seriously needed the clarification! :)

    I was thinking clean and presses...
  23. ZachR Says:
  24. 208# on 2nd attempt of last set.

    When I failed on the first attempt I was almost certain I wasn't going to get it. It didn't look pretty but I got it on the second attempt. Everyone was cleaning some very heavy weight this morning.
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. Nice job nooners! I finished with 231 for 2 they were ugly but thats kinda my style. I move now to the lastest topic the lawsuit. THis is a great example of the pussification of our society. Now anyone can sue anyone for anything that is REASONABLE, that is one of the strenghts of our government. I think that is what is missing from this story someone pulling their collective heads outta their asses and saying maybe individuals should take responsiblility for their own wellbeing and actions.Another way to say that is, this lawsuit is not reasonable.
    So to close thank you joe and rick for helping us push our selves to our goals. Always remember to use your head when working out and watch over everyone in the crossfit family..
    Donohoe out.......
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. that was a fun workout! I enjoy working on technique! Great job NOON class.
  29. JonD Says:
  30. Well sounds like everyone did a great job today, I had to spend it working on my car and waiting for it to get fixed. I ran to pick up my car so that was my WOD for me. Good luck to everyone tomorrow doing the CINDY workout
  31. Greg MO Says:
  32. #228 on last successful attempt..
  33. A Says:
  34. Got to 97#. What a weanie. This is such a mental lift for me. Thanks so much, Ricky, Amanda, and Greg for all the help! One of these days all the fine-tuning will sink in, and I will get it!
    Great job 5:30!
  35. Steve Says:
  36. kylie, thanks for the personalized workout for me. i definitely needed something else, but i didn't want to take a rest day.

    as for the article... i'd love to see this guy's separation paperwork from the navy (available through the freedom of information act, btw). but is there any point in society now where people feel shame or are actually embarrassed by their actions? i've done some stupid things, in xfit and the real world, where my first reaction is to look around and make sure no one witnessed it. i once came to a complete stop in bike race, and then fell over. of course, i look behind immediately and there are dozens of bikers behind me, everyone expressing concern. yeah, a little pain, but more so to my pride. apparently some people don't feel this way... it has to be someone else's fault. my only suggestion- bring back public humiliation. alison brought up the mcdonald's lawsuit as an example. maybe if we had more people who actually said to this woman, "you're a dumbsh*t", people would be too embarrassed to bring the attention to themselves a lawsuit would draw. stop picking people up, patting them on the head and telling them everything will be alright. this is acceptable when you're 4 years old. eventually, you have to grow up.
  37. A Says:
  38. Steve, you rock! The McDonald's lady IS a dumbsh*t, and what do we do? We reward dumbsh*ts.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 103LB and then my form sucked and I started bouncing it off my body instead of lifting straight up. Which for whatever reason I had it in my head to do that when the weight gets heavy, but that is for a completely different exercise we did a month ago :(

    I have big issues learning the form and getting them confused. I need to figure that out so I can improve.

    I have nothing to compare this one to, I checked my past WODS and never did this one for max weight or three reps or anything - so here is my start point.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I got to 165# but my form was pretty sad. I don't like doing most of the O lifts but thats probably because I am not very good at them so I like days like Wednesday where we can take time to work on form. It wasn't too physically demanding either so a good workout the day before the Cindy Challenge.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. I think i got up to 88 tried more and failed.
  45. zj Says:
  46. 184

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