Thursday 080821

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


"Cindy" Challenge
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

Post rounds to comments.

The Deadlift, Mark Rippetoe - video [wmv] [mov]
(courtesy of CFHQ)

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25 Responses to "Thursday 080821"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Could barely walk this morning so I went and got a shot in the old back. Hopefully this works I have a golf outing in Minnesota on Friday then suppose to play in an alumni baseball game on Saturday in Madison Wisconsin. Doubt either will work but I hope to be back in the gym on Monday. Great video I need to learn how to dead lift much better!!!

  3. Mr.Sullivan Says:
  4. Ricky & Joe, what a great thing you have going. Congratulations on the new facility! From the pictures it looks really nice. BMasek and I would like to come take a look at it sometime. Keep up the good work!

    Papio South
    Go Titans!
  5. paul Says:
  6. anyone looked at lately?!

    The first pic is Ricky taking the lead in the run. The second pic is Libby rocking a thruster. I am so proud to be a part of CF Omaha!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Cindy is a real bizzo!!! She ripped my hand right open :) Thank goodness Zorro was there with Nu Skin (that stuff hurts like a SOB!!) I did finish Cindy in 12 rounds. I know I can improve that in 8 weeks, if my skin grows back. I think I hate push up more than anything. Guess I need to work on thoses.

    Nice work to the 6am class, and good luck to everyone else today.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. "Cindy" gave me two rips on my hand, but I finished 11 rounds & 2 PUs. The PUs slowed me down a little and pushups towards the end when I was getting tired. Looking forward to seeing my improvements in October.
    Great job to everyone this morning!
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Okay, this week is getting ridiculous. Missed Monday and Tuesday for no reason other than being spacy/lazy... Now I just slept through the beginning of the noon - worked my first early shift today and just wanted a tiny little nap. So much for that! See you guys at 5:30 or 6:30!
  13. BC Says:
  14. 11 rounds plus 5 pullups and 4 pushups. I never broke up the squats and only broke up the pullups once, but the pushups definitely slowed me down. First 2 rounds were fine but by round 3 I broke them up 4-4-2, then 4-3-3, then eventually 2 at a time. It'll be a different story in 8 weeks though. Great job nooners!
  15. paul Says:
  16. nice job, noon class! you all looked great. special props to zach J for doing CTB pullups throughout!

    I did modified "Helen" and in the process found out why everyone hates that enterprise run so much. ouch.

    3 rds

    400m run
    21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
    21 jumping pullups

  17. kahrs Says:
  18. Paul
    I would consider that officially initiated to the new gym. That run sucks.
  19. JonD Says:
  20. Sounds like everyone put in work today so far in the Cindy Challenge. I got 14 rounds 5 PU, 10 Push UPs, and 4 squats. I need to push through the squats a little faster next time. Hoping for a couple rounds of improvement at least. Well good luck to everyone the rest of the day and see 6am tomorrow
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I am very happy with my pull ups and squats- I didn't break them up at all. The push ups, however, did not go so great. I was doing sets of 1 in round 8 or something. Lame!
    Alison you amaze me.
    All the ladies kicked ass tonight at 5:30! I was proud to be part of that.
    12 rounds+ 5 pu+10 pushups+3 squats
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. The guys looked good too
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 13 rds, 5 pullups, 4 pushups...first time ever doing "Cindy" - Wow talk about pushing your stamina/endurance in a workout - pushups were brutal!!!! The girls were seriously focused and that was awesome!!

    and Mark was kicking butt!!! Nice work partner!
  27. A Says:
  28. Way to go 5:30! What an impressive group! Got through 18 rounds and 5 pullups. Pushups are a serious enemy right now. By October, I am determined to break 20, by increasing my pushup strength.

    Thanks so much to Lucas, who saved my hand from being ripped to shreds during the pullups! :-)
    I cannot say enough about the support, encouragement, and general "cheering on" that occurs on a daily basis at Crossfit Omaha. I am so proud and lucky to be a part of such a great team. Thanks for everything, Ricky and Joe!
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Well, I finally managed to drag my ass out of bed long enough to make it to a workout this week. :)

    9 or 10 rounds? I've forgotten already... either way, got through the pushups of the next round. I. Hate. Pushups. Towards the end of round 2, I had to switch to knee pushups - I was failing on every other one. Not good.

    I think I'll have a lot of time on my hands at work now, so I WILL make the pushup my bitch. (Though I'm not sure doing pushups on a slick pool deck with nobody withing shouting distance is the best idea...)
  31. Steve Says:
  32. Ang, glad you threw that comment in for the guys too. Didn't want to be left out. It's totally impossible for me to see how we can possibly be better in 8 weeks- I thought we all had gold medals tonite (watching Olympics so thought that was a good analogy). But I am anxious to see what the improvements will be. And I know the men/women split was a last minute improve due to space restrictions, but I think everyone having their own personal cheerleader helped. Thanks Julie.
  33. A Says:
  34. Oh yeah, and Ang - you are my new hero. This girl continued to do a massive amount of pullups with bloody stumps for hands. Way to go, girl!
  35. Cari Says:
  36. Finished 9 rounds exactly on the scaled workout ... hopefully I can improve a ton by October. It was great having a counting partner; Luke was awesome and I'm impressed he drove here from Des Moines just to do the workout; also he did great in the workout and so did everyone else! Alison, you had so much heart as you were getting tired; way to push through; it was seriously inspiring to watch you.
  37. kahrs Says:
  38. So I scaled Cindy to 10 jumping pullups, 5 push ups and 15 squats. It was tough but think I should have went with 10 push ups as I never hit muscle fatigue and was able to bust through the push ups easily. I think my shoulder is getting better, but still taking it easy on it.

    Finished 15 rounds and 10 jumping pull ups.

    Everyone impressed me tonight.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. okay, so this is my first time ever commenting on here!:) today was really hard for me, pushups were killing me.... it will be fun to see how everyone improves! i thought it was a lot of fun today, good job everyone at 6a.m.!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Felt good today and was very happy w/my performance. Apparently next time I need to go deeper on my squats since nobody told me until I was finished.
    22 Rounds + 5 Pullups
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. I scaled it (of course) and got exactly 9 rounds. I was happy with the effort, but not so much the results. We will see what 8 weeks can bring.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. This was my first experience with Cindy too and I had no idea what to expect. I made it through 16 full rounds when time was called so I am pretty happy with that. Hopefully I can break 20 rounds in October.

    Great work Reba, I think watching you go first pumped me up more. Also, thanks for being my counter, I had no idea what round I was on after the first 4 rounds :)

    I am off for the weekend. I am heading down to Wichita with a few friends to visit my brother and to celebrate my birthday in a strange city. See you all on Monday!
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. Finished 8 rounds w/5 Pull-ups and 6 Pushups into round 9. Thanks to Kylie, Addi, Josh and everyone at 6:30 for all the encouargement. Push-ups suck!!

    Alison i can't believe you got through 18 rounds. You are a tough little cookie! And Luke it was awesome that you came over from Des Moines to represent Crossfit Iowa. You did awesome!!

    Way to go everyone. Can't wait to see the difference in 8 weeks!!
  49. zj Says:
  50. 15 and 1 pull-up CTB

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