Endurance Training

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For those of you that are of the endurance type (multi-sport) here is a great article that was written by Brian MacKenzie of CrossFit Newport Beach who is POSE certified and who will be running the endurance cert I am attending this weekend. It was written for the CrossFit Journal which has a lot of great information for all of us CrossFit junkies. Jeff, Dave, and Steve, I want you guys to read this article and post your comments about it. It really goes against everything that endurance athletes are used to training like. All the time spent training and increasing the mileage doesn't seem to be where it's at. You really have to question if there is a better, less extensive way of training. Let me know what you guys think. Anyone else who has a comment please feel free to let'r loose as well.

Endurance Training Part 1

Endurance Training Part 2

Greg reaching the top!

Midwest CrossFit Challenge Demo - Part 2
As promised, here is Joe crushing 30 muscle-ups. Enjoy!

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps

rest 5 minutes, then,

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Double strength day. Try and get as heavy as you can on the hang power cleans and then proceed to get some work in on the overhead squat.

Post loads to comments.

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16 Responses to "Endurance Training"

  1. paul Says:
  2. oh man--i really need to do this WOD, but there is no way my shoulders are up to this right now.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. wow, way to go, joe. 30 muscle-ups in just over 5 minutes would have been quite a sight to see! sorry i missed it, but glad you got it on video. i won't be in today, i have to work, but will probably be going out after work if anyone is interested...

    as for the article, i liked it. when i ran cross-country in high school, i still would have never dreamt that i would run a half marathon. but i did, with very little distance training, and i owe that to crossfit. i do think that doing the longer distances once in a while and crossfit is a good mixture and makes you a better all-around athlete.

    anyway, good luck with the cleans and squats and i'll see you all friday.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. That's Kylie for you... more lame excuses!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. paul Says:
  10. hope everyone has fun tonight. hate to miss it.

    remember that I'm having a kentucky derby party on saturday. details tomorrow...
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. 198 on PHC I believe
    154 on OHS could have gotten more but my wrist was not having it. Felt really good.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Hang Power Cleans

    174 x 3

    Overhead Squats

    174 x 5
  15. A Says:
  16. I hated to miss this one! I need to build strength! Work and School really get in the way of my Crossfit habit. :-) See you all tomorrow!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. HPC = 174# X 3 was my best complete set. I did manage to get up 198# one time.

    Overhead Squat = 108 X 5 on last set. This is a reall weakness for me, but getting better each time we do it.

    See you tomorrow.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 102 on Cleans- PR!
    77 on OH Squat
    Nice job to Amanda, Greg and Crystal for doing awesome tonight!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 3 x 198 then 1 x 208 on the cleans
    5 x 154 on the OH squats

    great job today guys! See you all tomorrow!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 400m run followed by 15x 25# "dumb-stupid-bell" cleans into a lunge on each leg 4 times through...the run was the worst part for me, im looking forward to learning more about this pose running stuff! great job everyone on the cleans and OH squats!!

  25. Dave Paladino Says:
  26. Ricky-- in reference to Brian’s article, One thing that Brian did not talk enough about is nutrition. In my opinion this is what makes the difference between good and great athlete. During training and during an endurance event. Steve Bonn with Hammer Nutrition spoke at the tri camp in Phoenix and he has some great stuff on this subject. Here is a link to one of there pages that has some resources on it
    One the most interesting points Steve Bonn makes is introducing Protein after 2 hours into an event
    The other point that I think is misunderstood is how fast we can recover from a workout. When we did the squat workout April 17th, I could not run or any do any other significant workout for 4 days. Again hats of to Zach J and Joe’s help on the contrast showers I have had amazing results with this. And it is better use of time then the 20 minute Ice baths that I had been doing. I look forward to Ricky and Joe’s comments on how to speed recovery.
    The prose running technique is right on, I have been using Prose in my running workouts with amazing success but it takes incredible concentration. Tonight I did 4X800 meter repeats using prose and took 30 seconds of my pre-prose intervals. As far as Brian’s respiratory quotient test, his sample group is not large enough and he did not have a control group. In my opinion its hard to draw any conclusions from his limited test, although I do agree with his underlying argument. I look forward to more athletes testimony about this.
    As far as the Crossfit type work out vs. the more traditional endurance workout, One the tests will be this weekend when Steve and I do the Lincoln Half Marathon. I have not been putting in the miles I normally would have before Crossfit. The true test will be when Jeff and I travel to do the triple T in Ohio in three weeks. We do one sprint triathlon, two Olympic triathlons and one half iron man triathlon in 3 days
  27. Addi Says:
  28. 90-something HPC.. those were feeling pretty weak. For some reason, I was psyching myself out and they weren't pretty.

    OHS 103.5 - these felt a lot better, and I could have gone heavier, but my arms and shoulders weren't having it.
  29. zj Says:
  30. 164x3HPC then 174x2HPC. I psyched myself out on the last 174.
    142OHS x 5 and only did three sets because I started to feel weak and don't need any more injuries.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. HPC: 77, this was really mental with me.

    OHS: 63...sucky but whatever, back was sore...again!!

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