Monday 080825

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


7 rounds for time
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115#/75#)
12 Jumping Ring Dips (bottom of ring should be at shoulder height)

Watch video of sdlhp as demonstration of textbook form must be shown before being allowed to start the workout.
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull...[wmv][mov]

Post time to comments.

Jumping Tyson

If you are still interested in taking part in the "Cindy" challenge and you haven't paid please bring check or cash in the amount of $25.

Ultimate med ball takes place this Saturday on UNO's football field. $5 entry fee for refreshments. For more information on time and rules click here...

Two new additions to the blog. I added the zone powerpoint to the Nutrition/Zone section on the left and the journal article covering the topic of rhabdomyolysis under the heading About CrossFit Omaha. I would like everyone of you to download and read the article as I will be creating a document for you to sign stating that you have read and understand this risk associated with performing CrossFit.

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19 Responses to "Monday 080825"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Good morning. I completed the WOD in 9:26. Great job to everyone at 6am.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Good idea w/the rhabdo article and holding the athletes accountable b/c my pecs hurt so bad this weekend I thought I might have to sue cf omaha. OUCH! It even hurts to type.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Good idea w/the rhabdo article and holding the athletes accountable b/c my pecs hurt so bad this weekend I thought I might have to sue cf omaha. OUCH! It even hurts to type.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Good idea w/the rhabdo article and holding the athletes accountable b/c my pecs hurt so bad this weekend I thought I might have to sue cf omaha. OUCH! It even hurts to type.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Ooops! Sorry for the excessive posts. I hit the button too many times I guess. It's Monday.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I had the day off today so I came to check out the noon class. Great work everyone and it was nice seeing some faces I haven't in a while. Rx'd today's WOD in 9:56. You would think 6 reps of SDLHPs sounds easy enough but after 3 rounds, its not. Well I'm off to take a nap, so much for being productive on my day off...
  13. paul Says:
  14. I can't do ring dips, but was pretty excited to get away with doing light SDHPs. So I did

    7 rds

    6 SDHPs (88#)
    12 burpees (no pushup)

    9:48 (I think)

    way tougher than i thought it would be!

    great work, nooners!
  15. BC Says:
  16. DNFF. 5 full rounds plus 6 SDLHP's plus 3 dips. The dips really slowed me down. Baseline for next time I guess. Great job nooners!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 10:35 took it slow on the SDHP because of the back but it feels pretty good right now

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 9:42 As much as this sucked I do like to work on weaknesses. And dips are definitely one of mine.
    Alison- don't worry! You did really well!

    It was AWESOME to see that many people there! I hope the huge classes continue... its fun with so many friends around cheering you on! Joe and Ricky you guys are the reason we are all here!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 9:41 Good stuff going on tonight! I had to re-do a few of my dips bc of sh*tty lockout on a few, but hope to improve my dips.....and yes now my arms are jello!

    BTW Gossip Girl is on again, I must have totally missed some of those episodes! darn!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Way to go 6:30! A DNF for me, was on round 6 w/8 ring dips. Also, scaled high pulls w/53lbs. Don't think i'll be able to get the bar over my belly soon!!

    Tyson, Katie, Jeremy, Greg you did great! Thanks for all the encouragement.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. And your belly is so cute Crystal!
  27. A Says:
  28. Ang, you are so sweet - not to mention a bad-ass tonight!
    SDHP are a BIG weakness for me, and I get a little frustrated. I was more exhausted than grumpy. Sorry if I seemed grouchy! Everyone did a tremendous job tonight!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 10:52- thanks for all of the encouragement tonight from everyone! you are all so motivating!
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. I enjoyed tonight, finished 7:36. Still not quit sure how that happened but I will take it. I enjoy SDHP for some reason. Great to see a huge crowd at 5:30.
  33. paul Says:
  34. kahrs, you are a beast!
  35. Addi Says:
  36. I definitely posted last night, but I must have gotten antsy and closed the window before it went through. :)

    9:22 - I really enjoyed this one. SDHPs felt pretty good after the 3rd round or so, and ring dips were not as torturous for me as I had assumed they would be. (Other than losing half my right forearm on the strap - definitely taping next time...that stung like a mother in the shower)

    Alison - I didn't see your SDHP in the workout, but they looked killer in the warmup!
  37. zj Says:
  38. 12:?? with head high ring dips

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