Friday 080822

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

Joe and I would like to truly welcome all of our new people that have become a part of an already amazing group of athletes. You guys are what make coming to work so much fun for both of us. Above, Kersten Higgins taking part in our Cindy Challenge yesterday. She did an awesome job and continues to improve every time she comes in.

I want to thank everyone who took part in our first of many challenges that we will be hosting from time to time. These are perfect opportunities for you to truly gauge your improvements with CrossFit. I really would have hoped that Zach Ries, Jeff Shannon, Hannah, and D.J. would have been able to take part in the challenge but maybe next time. Good job today to those that did show up and I look forward to seeing what kinds of improvements we make over this eight week period.

CrossFit Omaha would like to send out sincere thoughts and prayers to the Omaha police department and officer Paul Latschar and his family. We are very grateful to have service men and women who bravely patrol our streets every day and night.

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10 Responses to "Friday 080822"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. This morning felt good, ended up doing wall run x2, 10TGU's and 8 bent over rows @88 AMRAP 20 min. Finished up the 5th round just after time. Everyone looked good with what they were doing, a lot of different work going on at 6am was fun.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. The drive from Des Moines for the "Cindy" Challenge was totally worth the trip. I can't wait for the finals in October. Especially now knowing the areas I need much improvement in.
    My new goal for October 18 is to complete more rounds than Alison. Which will not be an easy task by any means. She was a monster yesterday, and watching her push through those last few sets of push ups blew me away.
    With the level of coaching Crossfit Omaha has alone, I am betting everyone will be able to add 2-3 rounds by October.

    Thanks for everything.
  5. A Says:
  6. Luke, it was an honor to have you participate in our "Cindy" challenge. Your pullups were a thing of beauty. :-) MY new goal is to give you a run for your money in October! Ha! Thanks again for taping my hand. Looking forward to seeing you again in October!

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Thank you CrossFit Omaha for letting us work out in you gym today we really enjoyed it!!
    Thank you Joe for giving helping me with pullups and giving me tips on how to kip i really appreciate it (Kady Revis)
  9. Mike Livergood Says:
  10. Thanks for letting us workout today, loved the pull up bars. Angie 21:34 Rxd
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. I did not come in yesterday as it was a scheduled rest day. I came in this morning and did Cindy. I completed 15 2/3 rounds in 20 minutes. Good work Jeff on doing Cindy with me even though I know you didn't really want to. Good luck in your race tomorrow.
  13. Unknown Says:
  14. Great job to everyone,

    Mark you killed it in the cindy challenge and great job to everyone one for pushing there limits, even you Matt. Just kidding you did well too man. I really am upset that i have to have this shoulder surgery so i could compete with everyone and see the gains that will be made in October. Amazing job fellow crossfiters. Thank you Ricky and Joe.
  15. paul Says:
  16. awesome work by the open gym crew today at 4!

    I did

    5 rds

    5 back squats (132)
    10 ball slams (12#)
    15 box jumps (18"?)
    20 DUs
    25 situps

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Open gym did rock today!! Lots of people there.

    3 rounds
    7 kb swings
    OHL to a medicine ball
    10 ball slams
    OHL back to KB

    time 10:13

    I wont be there tomorrow , hope everyone has a great weekend!
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. Cindy - 10 rounds + 3 pull ups. I should have scaled the the end they were looking like crap....:)

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