Thursday 080807

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


4 rounds for time of:
20 Jumping Pull-ups
20 Double Unders
20 Ring Dips

Training Dips, Jeff Tucker - video [wmv] [mov]
(courtesy of CFHQ)

Post time to comments.

A little taste of the new place.............

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18 Responses to "Thursday 080807"

  1. Jen Says:
  2. Good luck Lindsey on your fire dept. test tomorrow. I know you will do great and make us all proud.

    WOD = 17:07, just two dips behind Zach J. We battled back in forth nearly the whole workout. He managed to get ahead on the dips and I just couldn't catch him.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Thanks, Jeff.

    19:30 those damn DUs, one of these days I will have them down. I started the Zone today.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I am dying to see the new place. Z-money, sounds like you crushed the WOD today. Atta boy!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 19:55 scaled with 40 single unders/20,15,15,10 tuck jumps, banded ring dips (green then blue) 20,15,10,20 Great Job 6am crew.
    I came to the realization today that I hate the bands. I think I will declare them officially my enemy. Before the bands I could spend my whole life saying "I can't physically do ring dips (or pullups or any number of things), but that's okay most people can't" But with the bands I have no excuse. The crutch that I have relied on for most of my life is gone. Now I have no reason not to. I am the only thing between accomplishing my physical goals or quitting. It all becomes mental now. It is not that I don't want to do the exercises. It is that the bands have the power to force me to look into myself and that to me is a new world (exciting yes, but scary yes). If you hear me swear at the bands you will know now. If you think it is anger it maybe or it might just be a cripple looking for his crutch.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Jim, that is awesome! You're a beast--you'll leave those bands behind before too long...
  11. A Says:
  12. Jim, I don't know why, but your statement was really powerful to me. I use my hyerhidrosis as an excuse for having to break up sets of pullups. In reality, I need to just work on increasing grip strength to compensate for the excess water.
    I am always so impressed when I see you work out. You have so much drive and determination, and it is absolutely inspiring to me. Keep up the great work, and go ahead - keep swearing, because it makes me feel better about my Crossfit-induced potty mouth.
  13. Unknown Says:
  14. I know I am a day behind on this post but for those of you who were not around last night you definitely missed out. The new place is going to be absolutely BA. It was great to see Ricky, it was like he was 7years old and Santa brought him just what he wanted. The workout that Ricky thought would be quick liar liar it was a killer workout. Thanks Ricky Ich and all of us weaklings.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. This was hard.... my arms are dead! I am really glad to be able to actually do the WOD on rings... albeit with a band. But I used to only use the bars so this was a nice change. Thanks for all the support today- it was great!
    And Jim if you would have heard me today you would not have to feel bad at all. I sounded like a drunk sailor!
    The new gym looks great guys!
  17. BC Says:
  18. 19:57, this was a killer. A word of caution when it comes to the bands - when placing your knees on the band be careful, if it slips off your knees it'll snap back and you will be left with a wicked welt across your chest and stomach. I'm glad you found that amusing Kylie. And I had a new personal best with the DU's as I got 16 in a row at one point. The down side is that my technique is so ugly that I probably make them twice as hard as they need to be, but they're definitely coming along. Great job nooners.
  19. Donohoe Says:
  20. Great job this morning everyone( 6am),it was a hard workout. Sorry a little late on the post. Jeff and zach as always going a hundred miles an hour. Jim I am with you, when I started I felt like I was pussing out on the workouts because I had to use bands. Since then I have realized that this is actually one of the great things about crossfit, they allow you to pratice the movements. The bands are like training wheels and eventually we all took those off some sooner than others. Keep the faith and to all have a great day.
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Great job to everyone at 5:30!! This workout was rough; I only finished 3 rounds in around 15:30. I think I could have used another day to get over being sick but I'm happy I worked out anyway! Joe, thanks for your help on the ring dips.
  23. A Says:
  24. Great job to everyone in the 5:30 class!
    Finished 8:10, with bands. Used 1 leg for 2 rounds. It's weird...clearly, the bands made it a little too easy, but I would still be there, come 6:00am tomorrow, had I not used them. Oh well. Great range of motion exercise. Thanks, Joe, for helping with muscle ups. I WILL GET THEM SOON!
  25. JonD Says:
  26. Sounds like everyone did awesome today! Lindsey Good Luck tomorrow I'm pretty sure you will dominate the course. I got WOD done in 18:08 DU's are something to work on. The 6am class was representing pretty well and also a good start for the day, and I saw the Noon class and they kept it going.
    Does anyone know where a good place to get Veggies and Fruit? I never pick ones that are that great. Thanks everyone and I will see 6am bright (well somewhat dark) and early.
  27. Steve Says:
  28. jim- well said, makes me wonder what other crutches i've been relying on.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I hate missing workouts!!!!! I will see everyone as soon as I can!

    Ricky and Joe have definitely succeeded in making me an addict, i am the crankiest person right now without crossfit and its only been since Monday! - letting the body heal and will be back asap! Cant wait to see the new place :)
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. IHATE du's!!! Hate, hate, hate. I just cannot get them. I get punished be lashings so I try real hard. It took me over 20 mins because I hate du's :). Nice work 6:30 ladies!!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. IHATE du's!!! Hate, hate, hate. I just cannot get them. I get punished be lashings so I try real hard. It took me over 20 mins because I hate du's :). Nice work 6:30 ladies!!
  35. zj Says:
  36. 17:00 and could not have gone faster except on DUs which are kicking my ass lately. I need to reset my legs on j-pull-ups when I get tired or I feel like I am going to wreck more of my knees.

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