Friday 080808

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Bear Complex
7 sets of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

5 total rounds, rest as needed.

Watch video closely for all details/instructions concerning this workout.
Bear Complex WOD...[wmv][mov]

Some will be allowed to increase weight as needed while newer athletes will utilize this time to practice/master these skills with low to moderate loads.

Post final round weight to comments.

Application of CrossFit in the real world can sometimes be met with no success. Such as the trouble we're having here.

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17 Responses to "Friday 080808"

  1. JonD Says:
  2. Great workout today. Might have been the most grunting I have done so far. I did Green 10kg for the workout and that was tough. 6am again was great and the support was even better. Well hope the rest of the day goes well and I hope to see everyone tomorrow at 9:30am at Lewis and Clark.
  3. Jen Says:
  4. I love this kind of workout. As Zach likes to call it a "GRINDER". Big movements that are heavy and get you breathing hard.

    4 sets with 88#s, last set 98#s. Never set the bar down during a set.
  5. paul Says:
  6. this wod is badass, but bla bla, my shoulder, single tear...[that's 'tear' as in cry, although 'tear' as in rip might apply too].

    so instead i did:

    21-15-9 (wearing 20# vest)

    135# front squat
    Swings (50# DB)
    med ball clean and press (8#)

    yes, 8# is not much weight for a press. that was basically physical therapy. but with the vest on, those cleans were no joke.

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I have to say that i'm kinda sad about leaving UNO (of course i won't miss the parking tickets and traffic), but for the fact that our family has a history here. From watching Ricky wrestle, coach, become the Asst Strength Coach, and watching Damian learn to crawl (on the nasty floor) and walk there.

    Ok, so i'm a little sentimental and i'm gonna blame it on my pregnancy hormones!!

    Ricky and Joe are the best and thanks to all you crossfitters you have made Crossfit Omaha grow.
  9. Steve Says:
  10. I'm going to take today off from Xfit, so hate to miss out on the last UNO day. But I'll be at L&C Middle school tomorrow morning, and I've got a 5km on Sunday... Raven's Nest 5km Trail run if anyone is interested. Looking forward to the new place next week- and Crystal, I absolutely agree with you on the carpeting.
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Looking forward to the Bear tonight...

    Found this today..
    2 'average athletes' (whatever that means) attempting 5 olympic events and then comparing their performances with Olympic athletes. Pretty good stuff. Highlights - being gently heckled by more experienced hurdlers and Dennis's impressive, if not entirely successful, muscle-up attempts.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I passed the physical ability test in Lincoln this morning! I went to the noon class,
    1st: 50#
    2nd: 55#
    3rd & 4th: 60#
    5th: 65#
    I really liked the BEAR workout.

    See everyone Monday morning at the new building, can't wait to see it!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. congrats lindsey! we are so proud of you! we'll toast to you tonight on the dock! :) have so much fun up at the last UNO workout today! so sad i am missing it. can't wait to break in the new gym monday morning!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Definitely wont be the same up here without all of you.... huge thanks to both Ricky and Joe for all the help with my education and advancement over the two and a half years I've been with the Strength Staff at UNO.... Everything I've learned and the coach I've become today is largely attributed to you two guys... so thanks a lot and I hope to keep learning more from you both in the future, good luck at the new place

    Justin VanBeek
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I'm going to miss classes until Monday! I have to help my boyfriend move all weekend. How fun. See you guys Monday! I changed my work schedule so I'll be there every day now!

    Mel C
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. It is sad to be leaving UNO. I am sure I will start driving there once or twice next week. I'm really excited for the new place... it looks great so far.
    I can't wait!!
    Hope to see everyone tomorrow at the park!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I got up to greens on the 45# bar..... so that makes it...89# on the last set.
  25. Cari Says:
  26. I loved this workout; it was fun to put some of the lifts together and have the different movements start to make more sense!!
    1 - 25#
    2 & 3 - 35#
    4 - 40#
    5 - 45#
  27. kahrs Says:
  28. This was hard but I enjoyed a lot. Got up to 132 for the last round, did it RX'ed albeit a lot of hip crease rests. This was a great last work out at UNO. Hope to see everyone tomorrow morning.
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Loved this one.

    Wish I would have taken bigger jumps - I could have done a bit more than 88...maybe 93?... though my right wrist was screaming by the end of round 4, so maybe it was good. Took a couple of breaths at the bottom during rounds 4 and 5, but otherwise Rx'd.
  31. zj Says:
  32. 88,98,98,98,108 and felt like I could have done more if I had watched the video first. I focused on the time component too much and that smoked me metabolically.
  33. Melissa B Says:
  34. I went 45, 55, 65, 85, 95...I failed-I went Rx'd for the 1st 3 sets, then round 4 I went sets of 3-2-2 and round 5 I went 2-1-1-1-2. I prob could have done more in a row but not when I can't grunt and drop weights if I fail

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