Wednesday 080806

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Run or Row 2K

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Want to answer someone who asks you what CrossFit is? Show them this video. It does a decent job of covering intensity, functionality, real life work capacity, and of course COMMUNITY. Things that are important to describing our program.

CrossFit Certification Seminar Highlights by Again Faster - video [wmv] [mov]
(courtesy of CFHQ)

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18 Responses to "Wednesday 080806"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Between Softball, Rugby, sand volleyball, some side landscaping and mowing plus crossfit the past few weeks my body needs a couple extra days to heal. I am thinking I will be back on thursday

  3. Jen Says:
  4. 2k run = 7:43
    Felt really good right from the start. Nice work 6AM. Have fun in the Ozarks Zach and Hannah!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i was the sole rower at 6. i finished in 8:48. i tried to "sprint" the first 500 and that was a HORRIBLE idea. my goal was sub10, so i am happy. great recovery workout before a long, unhealthy weekend! great job running this morning, guys!
    lindsey good luck friday! jeff, have fun with that baby!
    see everyone bright and early monday morning at the new gyM!
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 2k run = 7:54
    Was hoping to row because my knee was bothering me but decided to run anyway. I was happy to finish sub 8 minutes. Nice work this morning Jeff. You set a very good pace and I just couldn't keep up today.

    I am off to the Ozarks for the weekend for some golf and fun in the sun. At the same time I can't wait for 6am class Monday morning.

    Lindsey, good luck on Friday. (not that you will need it)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 2k run: 8:57
    I also worked on my DUs and back extensions.

    Zach and Hannah have a good time at the Ozarks.
  11. paul Says:
  12. 8:08 run for me. then i did 5 30-second sprints at about 95%. very excited to eat a zone-appropriate lunch and take a rest day tomorrow.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. ok, so i got off work early and went to the gym. i did in 19:00
    7 burpees
    7 pull-ups
    7 box jumps
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. 2k Run=7:50

    5min rest then

    2k Row=7:30
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Can't make it...I have to train with my Corporate Cup Team...I'll post the time later.
    Ricky...after our "talk"...I'm definitely ready to get more serious.

    Mel Creal
  19. A Says:
  20. Crappy, crappy. Don't know what the problem was today, but I thought I was going to die during the run.
    That sucked, big-time.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Holy Hot outside! I was slowest by far. 11:10. Wow.

    Mel Creal
  23. Julie Says:
  24. I definately have some room to improve. 9:32

    Julie Deppe
  25. ichirowatanabe Says:
  26. The quote of the day:
    "How come the rower is on? It's not even plugged in!!" -Joe "the sober" Westerlin
  27. BC Says:
  28. 8:01 rowing. Afterwards a few of us went to the new gym to help set things up and for those of you that haven't seen it yet that place is going to be Megatron! You could build a small fort with all of the dumbbells in that place. And then after 2 hours or so of lifting and carrying and unpacking and setting up Ricky says "We should do a quick workout before we leave." WTF?!? Our "quick workout" was 3 rounds of 300m row, 30 benchpress at 85# and 30 med ball deadlifts - I finished in 17:5?. My shoulder is killing me, I'm starving, I'm whipped...and I had an absolute blast. I freakin' love this stuff. Thanks Ichiro and Ricky and great job by the 5:30 crew.
  29. Cari Says:
  30. I'm hopefully going to do this wod tomorrow w/ whatever is posted for tomorrow. I've been sick the last 2days but I feel a little better tonight so hopefully I'll be perfect by tomorrow!! Great job to everyone and I'm excited to see the new gym!!
  31. A Says:
  32. OMG. I am still laughing at your post, Ichiro!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 2k run in 8:22. I was shooting for under 10 minutes and I crushed that but I realized afterward that I need a lot of improvement and mabye some new shoes (at least new insoles).

    Afterwards I went over and helped at the new place with Brian and Tyson. When we were done for the evening we did the "Ricky special" Brian described above. It was tough but awesome breaking in the new equipment!!! Can't wait until we are there full time!
  35. zj Says:
  36. 8:03 and mostly in pose. Tried to turn it on at the end but could not.

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