Sunday 080831

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
situps followed by a 100 meter sprint after each set.

Post fastest and slowest sprint to comments.


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16 Responses to "Sunday 080831"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Looking good Kylie... and I don't think you had even been drinking in this picture!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. oh for the love of god... and on my birthday...

    had a total BLAST today at the medball games! i'm glad matt and luke came this whole way to join us for the weekend and a big thanks to ricky and joe for putting the whole thing together! have a great weekend everyone!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Happy Birthday, Kylie!

    Also, quote of the day for med ball:

    "Let's just kill 'em."

    Makayla "Mercy" Stiles.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  9. A Says:
  10. Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kylie!!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Happy Birthday Kylie!
  13. JonD Says:
  14. Happy Birthday Kylie and yesterday was a blast and cant wait to do more events in the future. Congrats team 2 on the upset win against team 1. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone and see yall tuesday.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. HaHaHa... Thanks, Paul!

    Happy Birthday, Kylie!

    Hope everyone has a safe & relaxing holiday!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. have a great birthday kylie!

    med ball was a blast! i was so happy with the games.
  19. Steve Says:
  20. happy birthday kylie! glad to be on the same med ball team as you and makayla.
  21. BC Says:
  22. Happy birthday Kylie!
  23. Donohoe Says:
  24. Happy Birthday girlie Kylie!
  25. A Says:
  26. Did a modified "Susan."
    6 rounds
    200 meter run
    10 situps
    10 pushups
    10 air squats
    Time: 11:20.9
    Should have pushed harder on the run, but treadmill makes it an interesting task.
    I am really trying to work on pushup form! Did 50 pushups earlier in the day, working on technique.
    Oh, and I resisted the urge to "just go for an easy 4 mile run," in lieu of Crossfit training. :-)
  27. paul Says:
  28. yeah, I am resisting the urge to go for a run rather than take 2 rest days, which I really think i need. I am already dying to get into the gym on Tuesday, though. i can barely sit still.
  29. Cari Says:
  30. Did the WOD and WOW was it hot!! Not exactly sure on times but tried to focus on running form and not doing heel to toe. Happy Birthday Kylie!!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. walked around the zoo for time. distance: 3 billion miles. time: 3:46. have a great labor day everyone. and thanks so much for all of the birthday wishes!

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