Saturday 080830

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

Who are we kidding?

but with a med ball!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you there.........

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8 Responses to "Saturday 080830"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I really wish I could make it today...sadly I'm at work. Uggh. Last Saturday that I have to work though! I did a rowing/push up workout yesterday...completely killed me and I think my arms have rhabdo. I'm going to do the dead lift strength workout tomorrow and Kylie L Sunday...from what I read it's a killer!

    Mel C
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Sorry I couldn't make it :( hope you all had a great time & enjoyed thr “refreshments”. :). Have a great long weekend.
  5. BC Says:
  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. BC Says:
  8. The deleted comment above was mine, sorry, brain and fingers not working together real well so I decided to start from scratch...

    OHMYGODTHATWASTHECOOLESTTHINGEVER!!! OK, that may be a bit much, but it was an absolute blast. Great to see so many people there, and great to see so many people "refreshing" themselves afterwards - though judging by the aroma in Indigo Joe's I'm not sure how many of us were that "fresh." I love CF Omaha and one of the biggest reasons why is because of all the great people that make it what it is. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Awesome time! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. I saw a lot of intensity. I loved it. Good to hang out a bit after, too. When's the next party again?
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Hey great job everyone that made the med ball game. Nothing like crossfiting then too the bar actually that could be a perfect day. Well Im going to the happy hallow pool for the caddy swim so gotta run.
    Donohoe out.
    PS I'm going out downtown if anyone wants to try to keep up call me at 598-5998
  13. Jen Says:
  14. Good times for sure. I am looking forward to the next Ultimate Medball games.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. That was so much fun. I have to agree Jeff, we need to do this again. You all have a good weekend and see all tuesday!

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