Sunday 080810

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Breathing Ladder
Do one burpee (no pushup/no jump) and take one breath, (you can breathe all you want during the burpees) do 2 burpees then take 2 breaths etc...up to 10, and then come back down to one.

Your rest can only match the rep number that corresponds to the burpees you just completed. For example, as you complete 8 burpees you can only rest for exactly 8 breaths before starting 9 burpees. No cheating.

Post experience to comments.

You can't wait to do pull-ups now, right?

Zone Calculations: Activity Level, Robb Wolf, CrossFit Nutrition Seminar - video [wmv] [mov]
(courtesy of CFHQ)

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7 Responses to "Sunday 080810"

  1. A Says:
  2. Did CFE 080908.
    30:20 Tabata
    12% incline on treadmill on 7 min mile setting.
    Felt really good.

    Then jogged on new trail outside house. (yay!) 1.4 miles in 8:42. JOGGED faster than my 1.25 mile SPRINT a few days ago. Who knows why. Maybe the paint/poly fumes ARE good for me!

    Can't wait to see the new place!
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. Holy crap the new place looks AWESOME...i can't wait to experience it when i get back!!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I cannot wait to be working out in the new gym!!! So I am going to skip today's WOD..... because I'm so excited...... I swear that's why!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Yeah, the new place looks awesome!

    I did two little wods today--the prescribed one (6:20, mostly burpees with small jumps), and then

    100 single unders
    50 squats

  9. JonD Says:
  10. Can't wait to do the first WOD at the new gym. I did the WOD today and without the push ups my squat back up to a stand was a little off. I think I am going to work on DU's as well. See everyone tomorrow.
  11. BC Says:
  12. I "socialized" a little too much this weekend so I took today off in preparation for tomorrow's inaugural workout at the new gym - it's a lame excuse but whatever.
  13. zj Says:
  14. Did today's WOD and without pushups and jumps it does throw you off.
    Finally got around to doing the handstand hold and 125 pushups WOD from two Sunadys ago and finished in 9:36. Pretty happy with that although it felt like it took longer than it did.

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