Saturday 080823

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

2 rounds for time:
800 meter run
65 double unders
500 meter row

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Military Overhead Squats. U. S. of A is the ******* shit.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 080823"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Rough one. Tried to stay tight with Zach, but couldn't quite keep up--but just having him there helped me push.

  3. paul Says:
  4. Wait a sec, I'm pretty sure it was 14:32. oops.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 17:?? i don't remember. damn DUs. great job everyone!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I agree with Kyie, DAMN the DU's! DNF in the timelimit(Grrr...) BUT, I did finish - just about a minute late...slowly I am getting them. Great job to all this morning - It's crazy to see how rapidly CFO is growing!
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. 15:14...I was 15:something. Great to be back, even if it is only for a couple of days
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. well crap. today kicked my butt! the bagel i had a fun time dry heaving at enterprise after the bagel i had for breakfast. it was great!
    i finished in just under 20 min. thanks bchrist for pushing me the whole way!
    i finally did 130 du without wanting to kill someone. so excited. great job this morning alison, cari, brian, and crystal!
  13. BC Says:
  14. 19:15. If my second round of DU's had been like the first round I never would have finished in time, but fortunately I was able to string together a few reps of 12, 14, etc in row in that second round. My first round was more like 2 "sh!t," 2 "dammit," 1 "f@ck!" At least my kids weren't there this time to hear Dad's potty mouth. Outstanding job Alison, Crystal, Cari and Hannah!

    I must really be getting serious about this whole CrossFit thing and everything that goes with it, as for lunch today I forced myself to eat some broccolli (Newman, you wouldn't eat broccolli if it was deep fried in chocolate sauce). It's crazy how CF can start to impact so many aspects of your life, and I'm absolutely loving it!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  15. kahrs Says:
  16. I think I finished around 17:30 or 20, not enough oxygen to remember. Oddly I didn't hate the run that much. Double unders kill my time though. Great job everyone.
  17. Addi Says:
  18. Finished right at 20:00.

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 18:15 This workout was BRUTAL for me this morning. I cannot even say how tight and sore i feel - jumping was brutal, my whole body was just cramped up!!! But I knew if I quit, then Ricky would be there to call me out on it - - so I just kept going on the DU's and I even managed to swear silently!!! I was so proud of myself :)
  21. A Says:
  22. This one was really nice. I was completely sore; my upper body is trashed, so some running was actually enjoyable. Time was right around 15:00. I am really starting to enjoy rowing.

    Great job to Brian, Hannah, Crystal, and Cari!
    Congrats, Reba on the silent swearing. you'll have to teach me how, sometime. :-)
  23. ZachR Says:
  24. 12:50

    and you were right the first time Paul. You finished at 13:31. The second round of this workout was maybe the worst of all workouts. See everyone on Monday.
  25. paul Says:
  26. oh, sweet! Thanks, Zach. I knew I was about 40 seconds behind you, but somehow I thought 13:31 sounded too fast.
  27. zj Says:
  28. Invisible Fran 3:38

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