Saturday 080802

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time:
135 pound Squat Clean, 7 reps
15 Handstand Pushups

Eighty-eight pounds is the prescribed weight for women. Scale as necessary.

Post time to comments.

Un-assisted kidstand holds.

Joe and I would like to offer Jeff and Jen Shannon a special congratulations. With all the friendly thoughts that make a wish sincere, our best to you and your new bundle of joy.

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10 Responses to "Saturday 080802"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I can't make it today... I had to get my hair did!
    Good luck to Stacie and Tovar! They are getting married today!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. I enjoyed this one - need to work on getting my ROM deeper on the handstand pushups, though! 76# for the cleans.. and far from full squats. So definitely scaled, but I felt like I pushed myself, so I was happy.
    Not really sure what my time was, since I realized afterwards that the clock on the wall was for the one-on-ones... But I think they started about 10 or 15 seconds after us, so if the clock told me it was 11:55, then I guess I did 12:10?? Something like that.
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. Hannah and I made up our own workout while in Kearney.

    3 rounds for time:
    10 Handstand Pushups
    20 Situps
    30 Squats
    40 Double Unders


    I used 1 ab mat for handstand pushups and they felt really good. Hopefully next time I can do full ROM.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. i kinda did that work out but different and not as fast.

    3 rds:
    10 HS negatives
    20 DU's except couldnt get them first rd so i did 80 su
    30 squats
    40 situps

    i was pissed. we'll see how it goes after the hot tub sit and all.
    good luck stacey and tovar!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. first of all, congrats to jen and jeff and also to stacie and tovar!! i tried this one and did 80# and tried to the HSPUs, but it was killing my elbows, so i just worked on handstands and holding them.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. first of all, congrats to jen and jeff and also to stacie and tovar!! i tried this one and did 80# and tried to the HSPUs, but it was killing my elbows, so i just worked on handstands and holding them.
  13. paul Says:
  14. Congrats, Tovar and Stacie! You guys rock!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Great job this morning everybody, I wish I could have done the work out with you but it was great seeing everybody.

    Congrats Stacie and Tovar!
  17. zj Says:
  18. 17 something and it hurts today. Feels like I got run over by something. The coaching was great for this and I really liked the extra focus on safety and technique.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Congrats Tovar and Stacie!! Many happy years to you!!

    17:04 today. I only did 55#'s but I did get 11 handstand pushups in a row at the end :)

    Nice work 9 ers!! or 9:30 ers!!

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