Thursday 080731

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Beautiful and Strong. Mother, Daughter, Family! (picture courtesy of Hannah)

"Recent Triathlon Deaths Have Experts Searching for Answers" by Christie Aschwanden - New York Times

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22 Responses to "Thursday 080731"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Oh my gosh!
  3. JimmyG Says:
  4. Snatch Balance?!?! The heaviest I've done these are with an empty bar. This is going to be sweet!

    Ang, you're such a Hottie!!
  5. Steve Says:
  6. Cute pic!

    As for the article, I've done races before where people have died during the race. Most marathoners and triathletes who've been in it a while can say the same thing. I'm sure the increase in the number of people running races now, as opposed to 20 years ago, means that statistically there will be more people who's time is up during the race. Obviously it doesn't scare off many competitors, although I'm sure it gives the race organizers nightmares. But if it's going to happen to me during a marathon, please God, make it near the start line. I don't want to run 25 miles and collapse and die just before the finish line... now that would just be cruel.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Ricky, don't think I'm fooled by this "strength" day... I'm onto this game..
  9. JonD Says:
  10. Hannah informed me to blog more often so here we go.
    Snatches were an experience this morning, but I like it. I just hope I didn't hold Jeff back, but thanks for the help. I am pretty excited to join CrossFit Omaha and everyone has been great. So thanks to everyone and I hope to remember names as we go on. Hannah it was good to see you this morning as well. See everyone at 6am tomorrow.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Awesome picture! Title: "Lioness and Cub."

    Late today I will do 150 cartwheels for time...
  13. ZachR Says:
  14. Got up to 164 x 3

    Failed on the third attempt twice until finally getting it. Like Jimmy I had never done more than the bar so it was a new experience.

    Welcome John and good work this morning.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 68# for 3 reps, it took me awhile to get the correct form.

    See everyone tomorrow morning, the firefighter mock test should be fun! Welcome to Crossfit, John.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Funny Steve, and the worst part would be that they would say you were "happy to die that way doing the thing you loved". LOL. I had a great time teaming up with Greg this morning. I wish as Americans we would all go metric if for no other reason so that I would know what I lift without a calculator. Or maybe we can do like the Canadians do (with everything in English and French by Law) and list both metric and standard. I believe I got 87lbs (33# bar 1 green and one 5#). Anyway it was great to see the 6am group again.
  19. paul Says:
  20. i just did a modified beverly, and nearly died doing the thing I love (and also the thing i hate).

    3 rds

    50 DUs
    12 BW front squats (195#)
    21 burpees (no pushup)

    21:40 of misery

    i can't even imagine how bad that would have been with full burpees.
  21. Jen Says:
  22. I just want to let the afternoon classes know that 6AM just got a little stronger. Welcome to the club John!

    Focused on technique today (excuse for not keeping up with the Zachs) Did 98#x3 on Set 5.

    Everyone's invited to join us tomorrow in helping Lindsey prepare for the Fire Dept. physical test. We got permission from Joe to set up a mock test for her tomorrow at the 6AM class. Come see if you've got what it takes to be one of Lincoln's Bravest!!
  23. zj Says:
  24. 154x2x2
    I couldn't get that third one either set but the ones I got felt easy.

    Paul, let me know when and where the cartwheels are happening because I'm gonna bring some beer and popcorn.
  25. paul Says:
  26. very funny, zack. maybe with enough beer i could do them? i think it's just a question of inhibition. i'm really coordinated, i swear.

    nice snatch balance weights, everyone! I am so impressed, and can't wait to be back in town and doing the posted WODs!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Paul- if you are doing drunk cartwheels I am definitely going to watch!
  29. Greg MO Says:
  30. 184x3
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. i want to watch paul's drunken cartwheels!
    jon, sorry i let you down. no excuses. i just wanted to be lazy today. :) i'll be in bright and early monday morning!
    i got up to 77# today. i tried to do snatches afterwards but was just too tired. o well. there's always tomorrow.
  33. Melissa B Says:
  34. So I did Helen today at 13:57...again i used treadmill, 35#db, and the worst pull up bar ever...i haven't found the pull up bar on the wall so there are the ones that are free standing which move all around and are super slippery...i think i might invest in chalk
  35. paul Says:
  36. one day i will make cartwheels my--ahem--friend, just as i have double unders.
  37. JimmyG Says:
  38. I can't believe how tough these were. My last round was #157 made the first, missed the second, and made the third. I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as a successful set.

    I'm not as confidant with overhead moves as I am with other lifts. I still have a fear that my arms will rip out of socket if I rotate my shoulders properly. I should probably just stick to lighter weights until my form improves.

    Mark, it was great lifting with you today, your form looks really good, and I appreciate that you're willing to push the weight limits when you lift.

    Ang, I know you were less than pleased with your performance today, but when I was watching, your form (as far as I could tell) was pretty solid, you should be pleased. Even lionesses have off days, that's why they live in prides. Wait, what the hell is that supposed to mean? See you all tomorrow!! 6am?
  39. JimmyG Says:
  40. Is that Libby in the background of the main site's Friday picture?
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. This was my first attempt at the snatch balance and it definitely was a difficult one. I think during the 4th round things finally started clicking though. Thanks to Ricky, I started to focus more on pulling the bar apart with my shoulders. My legs are my weakness so as soon as I found a way to stabilize the bar above my head better I could lift more. Also, it was great working with Jim, he probably pushed me to do more weight than I would have myself. Thanks Jim!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. Day behind on posting...I had a great time seeing the place and the 6:00am class. I'll be back the weeks of the 11th and the 18th, can't wait to meet some of you all.

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