Wednesday 080730

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


"CrossFit Golf"

With tires placed on the football field and each person a certain distance out for each of 18 different holes (time permitting), a d-ball, 20 pounds for gents and 16 pounds for gals, will be thrown in any way necessary in order to get the ball inside the tire. The goal of the game is to have the least total amount of strokes in the least total amount of time at the end of the 18 holes. Before play begins at every hole each person will name their prize. This prize is what he or she will have each of the other competitors do should he or she win that hole. More rules will be divulged during class. The name of the game is intensity and accuracy all rolled into one.

For a demo of this game click here...

Coaching up!

Blauer High Gear, High Contact Training Demos - video [wmv] [mov]

What good is it to be super fit if you can't defend yourself? Thoughts?

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 080730"

  1. Ricky Frausto Says:
  2. This morning's crew did awesome and set the stage for a great workout for the rest of the day's classes. I want everyone to start thinking about what kind of creative paths they can come up with for a hole when it their turn to choose. For example,

    Start at one goal line, throw diagonally towards the opposite 20 yard number on the field, from there diagonally again to the opposite end 40 yard number and so on every 20 yards until you reach the tire at the other end of the field. You have to do this only by chest throws and you can't go after the ball until it comes to a complete stop.

    What can you come up with?
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. todays "work out" was a blast! my hammys are still screaming at me, though. lindsey, thanks for all the assistance especially helping kick ass on the last hole!
    ps~>the ball rolls better on the track...
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. that looks AWESOME
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I can't wait! But I don't want to do this alone... which happens to me a lot. Is anyone going at noon or should I just go at 5:30??
  9. A Says:
  10. I have to work at noon - but will try to be at 5:30. This looks super fun!
  11. JimmyG Says:
  12. i'll be at 5:30 too. just couldn't get my ass out of bed this morning.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I guess that's enough for me..... I'm going at 5:30 too
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. How fun is this going to be?!?!? I will be there at 5:30 too!
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. Will do my best to make 5:30
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. It was a fun workout this morning, good work Hannah!
  21. BC Says:
  22. This workout was a feakin' blast!!! And the noon class was far superior to the 6am class, in terms of both intensity and overall performance. What can I say, that's just how we roll.

    As far as that training video goes that's some pretty cool stuff. In this day and age where it seems like anything can - and often does - happen, it's good to know what do if you're ever in a bad situation.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. dang - i am gonna miss this one :(
  25. Cari Says:
  26. This was a lot of fun and Melissa, you were a great teammate!
  27. paul Says:
  28. this looked so fun! hated to miss it. i decided to take an unscheduled rest day. just wasn't feeling it today. but i'm looking forward to doing something brutal tomorrow.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. We missed you today Paul.... especially since we did cartwheels for a little while. We all know how much you love 'em.
  31. JimmyG Says:
  32. This was so much fun I forgot I was working out! 5:30 team rocked today!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Aww Cari! You're a better teammate for dealing with my puking! What a wimp! Sorry for the show 5:30...see you guys tomorrow regardless. Thanks whoever made us throw a med ball over the goal post!
    Nice to finally meet you Angela! You kick ass!

    Mel Creal
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Ok, so it was just Christy and I at 6:30. We had to do 9 holes, but after hole #8 Ricky had us do 10 burpees and we called it quits. This was a lot of fun, but he always seems to pick the hottest days for the outside WODs!! Awesome job Christy!!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I loved the workout today!!! It was so fun. Oh how I miss the long summer days of playing with friends for hours outside, now I can only do it for an hour and feel sick :)

    Good times 5:30, I finally witnessed PUKES in action!!

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