Thursday 080717

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time:
5 Deadlifts
10 Burpees

Gents use 275 pounds, 225 pounds, 185 pounds, or 155 pounds while the ladies use 185 pounds, 155 pounds, 135 pounds, or 95 pounds. Hands must stay on the bar for all reps (the bar may not be dropped on the last rep). Hip and knee must be fully extended at the top while chest and thigh must come in contact with the floor at the bottom for each burpee. A clap overhead with some part of the ear covered must ensue while in the air as well. There will be a 12 minute cutoff for this workout.

Murderer's Row. From front to back: Killer Kahrs, Steve, and Greg

3rd Annual Athletes for a Cure/CrossFit Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser for the fight against prostate cancer. This is an event where we need your help in raising as much money as possible for this great cause. We also want all of your friends to to sign up as well. This is an open event where anyone and everyone is invited to become a part of the CrossFit Omaha team and to participate in this crazy workout that will be scaled to everyone's fitness abilities. More info will be given as the date of September 29th approaches. For more information please visit the Athletes for a Cure website as well as our team website. Sign-up, sign-up, sign-up!!!!

Check out this video from last year's event held at CrossFit Central in Austin, Tx.
Fight Gone Bad at CrossFit Central...[wmv][mov]

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20 Responses to "Thursday 080717"

  1. JimmyG Says:
  2. Finished in 9:34 today. A lot better than I thought I'd do, but If it weren't for my month long lazy streak I'd be a ton faster. Burpees were really ugly but I made it through them. in the 4th round I dropped the weights a couple of times, but didn't make them up. This is sounding more and more like a confession. I'm done I'll see you all tomorrow!!
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. 5:35 Rx'd

    Very tough!!!

    It was good to see some new faces at 6am. Everyone did a very good job this morning.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I just previewed that fight gone bad, omy that looks like one BRUTAL workout!!!
  7. Jen Says:
  8. I substituted strict pull-ups for the burpees to avoid further hurting my shoulder. A group consensus (the Zachs, Jimmy and I) was that 8 strict pull-ups = 10 burpees. After doing it, I would like a recount! This was a tough one! I got to where I could only do one pull-up at a time. However, no pain in the shoulder!!

    5 rounds 275# on Deadlift + 8 pull-ups = 10:39
  9. paul Says:
  10. i can't wait to do this wod when i am all healed up.

    last night and this morning, i could barely walk, thanks to the sadistic wod joe made up for me.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. so, my chest still hurts from pushups instead of dips monday. i am pathetic, i know. burpees sounded awful! i did yesterday's cf endurace wod on the track. my 400 times were 1:43, 1:42, 1:34. i still hate running. see everyone saturday!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I wont be making it today...I can't even raise my arms to put my hair in a pony tail after the workout Joe put me through yesterday!
    But, sometime soon I hope to get the pull-ups down!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 6:30 with 162#
    I have some real problems with counting rounds when I'm tired.... I thought I had 1 more round when I was actually on my last round so I should have gone balls out, but I didn't. Damn! Joe even told me to go faster. Maybe I should just listen to him!
    Jim you are awesome!
  17. JimmyG Says:
  18. Ang, You're my hero!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 10:32, with 155#
  21. BC Says:
  22. 6:25 w/ 176#. Great job 4:30 crew! My daughters and I are heading out of town on vacation tomorrow so I'll see everyone next week.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 5:20...starting at 162lbs and then I punked out and went down to 152lbs for the last three rounds....i should have stuck it out but i was trying to beat Nick's time ;) j/k ha!!!
  25. Nick Says:
  26. 5:03 prescribed, this was a tough one and once again, I hate you burpees!
  27. Steve Says:
  28. yeah, but i'd rather do burpees than deadlifts. we'll see how my back feels tomorrow, but so far, so good.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 9:20 with 176lbs. Wouldn't have finished on my own, but with all of the team pushing me I just couldn't quit. Of all the things I love about Crossfit this is the one thing that is my favorite. I have been on many team sport teams through the years, but there has never been the commitment to each other that I have felt with Crossfit. This goes for every class I go to no matter what time. Now I will find some ice and see you tomorrow.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I did awful. If it weren't for Ricky and Kylie cheering me on I swear I would've dropped. Any time Burpees are involved I die. We didn't time our workout at the 12 o'clock class because we were working on our dead lifting technique...and said keep the bar close to your should see my shins! All bruise and tore up from keeping it close! Thanks so much for dealing with a wimp like me Ricky! Keep pushing me PLEASE...I want to get strong!

    Mel C
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I did awful. If it weren't for Ricky and Kylie cheering me on I swear I would've dropped. Any time Burpees are involved I die. We didn't time our workout at the 12 o'clock class because we were working on our dead lifting technique...and said keep the bar close to your should see my shins! All bruise and tore up from keeping it close! Thanks so much for dealing with a wimp like me Ricky! Keep pushing me PLEASE...I want to get strong!

    Mel C
  35. A Says:
  36. Whew! That was a good one!
    It would appear that I am actually getting stronger!

    6:58 using 165#

    Thanks so much to Kylie for timing me and counting reps. I think I would have just kept doing burpees if she hadn't told me I was finished! So i am getting stronger, but I can't freaking count now. Great! :-)
  37. kahrs Says:
  38. 6:40 (242 lbs.) This was probably the perfect weight for me to keep the intensity up. I tried 275, it would have been slow going, and didn't want to ruin myself for the adventure race this weekend. I liked this one and want to try it rx'ed sometime, need to get stronger though. Everyone at 4:30 did awesome.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 6:27 (220 lbs.) Still having trouble keeping my back straight but I made it through the entire workout and only had to drop the weight on the last set, 1 rep from the end. I must be odd or something because I don't mind burpees. The only I really hate them is when we have to do 50 in a row, haha!

    So I am going to try to make it in tomorrow at 6AM, wish me luck!!

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