Friday 080704

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

Happy 4th of July!

A happy 4th of July to all of our service men and women serving for our country. Thank You!

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5 Responses to "Friday 080704"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I loved CF Endurance!!!! I love waking up that early and running... what could be better?
    Happy 4th! Have a great weekend everyone!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Great work to Angie, Zack J, Lindsey and Jen on the CF Endurance workout. For everyone else we did 3x1 Mile repeats with 2 minutes rest. Join us on the next CF rest day!

    1 6:49
    2 6:30
    3 6:34
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Happy 4th! Good luck to Ricky, Joe, and Libby at the CF games! I really liked CF endurance this morning. It was an eventful morning, Gabe pissed on himself, popped a couple of times, and ran into Angie while she was running! Nice work everyone!

    1st 7:45
    2nd 7:24
    3rd 7:20
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. Jeff, Angie and ZachJ gave me so much shit this morning at the Field Club 4th of July parade that I decided to do the CFE workout this afternoon.

    5:55 (PR)

    walked 1 lap then

    3 rounds for time:
    20 DUs
    10 Burpees


    Now I know the goal for the workout was to keep your three times within about 10 seconds. 800 meters into the first mile I decided to go for a PR which really killed me for the next 2 miles. I also took 4 minutes rest between miles which is why i did the extra workout at the end. As much as I hated this entire workout I was very happy to run a mile under 6 minutes for the first time in my life.

    I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July. Sorry for the long post but check back later for post on getting together for a Saturday workout!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Happy 4th, everyone, and best of luck to Ricky, Joe, and Libby at the games! We are all proud of you and proud to call you our mentors!

    I just got my ass handed to me playing badminton with my cousin. I know what you're thinking, but it can be a serious sport.

    I will try that endurance workout sometime. But probably not tomorrow.

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