Saturday 080705

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time
10 Handstand pushups
50 Air Squats
8 Handstand pushups
40 Air Squats
6 Handstand pushups
30 Air Squats
4 Handstand pushups
20 Air Squats
2 Handstand pushups
10 Air Squats

Rx'd is head to floor. Scale only by doing negatives to the floor, even if this means bringing the feet back to the floor and resetting in the lockout position for every rep. Handstand pushups with limited range of motion (using a towel or abmat) do not count. If you cannot do a handstand you are then allowed to substitute pushups but the feet must be elevated.

Injured leg. No shoes. Still crossfitting. Amanda has come a long way since day one.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 080705"

  1. ZachR Says:
  2. So is

    10 Handstand pushups
    50 Air Squats

    one round or is the entire thing one round. Makes a big difference for this workout.

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I think you have to do the whole thing 5 times.... but that's a lot.
    Its 150 HSPU's!
    And do we rest at all?
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Good Luck Joe, Ricky and Libby!
  7. paul Says:
  8. I think you just go down that list for time. Wish I could do it.

    I re-did the hopper from our games in April--5 rds of 15 155# DLs and 35 squats. It took me twice as long today! 12:09.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 10:36 Scaled

    Since I cannot do full range of motion handstand pushups I did negatives. I only went one time through and can't imagine going through the entire thing 5 times.

    Results of the Crossfit Games have been posted at

    Check it out.
  11. paul Says:
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. It looks like you guys are doing great!! Can't wait to get the final results!
  15. paul Says:
  16. Okay, I'm calm, but I have to say again how proud I am to share a gym and be instructed by you three, Ricky, Joe, and Libby!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Hope you all are having a great
    4th of July weekend. Hopefully you are checking out the Crossfit Games web site as they are keeping up to date stats. Talked to Ricky earlier and they are having a great time. Ricky, Libby and Joe are doing awesome. If you can leave them a comment on the games site to cheer them on. See ya'll next week!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. You guys are doing absolutely incredible! I wish we could all be there to see it happen.
  21. kahrs Says:
  22. Just got a chance to check out the standings, you guys are rocking it, awesome. Wish I could be there to see it. Keep up the great work guys.
  23. Greg MO Says:
  24. 9:32 rxd...
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 10 mins one round doing negatives one at a time...
  27. zj Says:
  28. 7:45 scaled by negatives.

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