Sunday 080706

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Learn and play a new sport. It's not a rest day so get out there and do something. Play basketball, tennis, kickball, frisbee golf. Whatever it is have fun.

First workout of the day for me. Not a fun one.

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15 Responses to "Sunday 080706"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I'd rather do 30 full-catch c&j's with 155#. PSYCH!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Congratulations Ricky - looks like you and Libby had a good day yesterday.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I'm glad to hear and see that I'm not the only one checking my computer every couple of minutes to see if there are any updates on our people.....
    I am going to try to play tennis today if anyone wants to join me.
    Great job Joe, Ricky and Libby!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I went for a run today w/my significant other and then did yesterdays workout but only went thru one round like Zach... finished in 3:58. 5 rounds????? Ricky, Joe, and Libby you guys are beasts!!! Way to represent Crossfit Omaha!!!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I am so excited! I just got back from a weekend of boating/tubing (i counted that as my activity yesterday) and saw the CrossFit Games posting and i am just so dang excited!!! Happy 4th!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. wow! great job out there joe, ricky, and libby! we're all so proud of you! i worked out outside today and just about died, i imagine it's pretty warm in CA as well. i did kelly, but only with an 11lb ball. it was actually just as horrible as last time. i finally got it under 30 min(by less than a second). this was my very first cross-fit and i believe it took me over 40 minutes to finish. we've come a long way!
  13. paul Says:
  14. I just finished doing 3rds for time of: 10 155# front squats, 25 24" box jumps. 8:35. not fun. I can only imagine what 155# squat clean and jerks must feel like!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. i got a massage, it was a brutal workout :)

    I did run yesterday and sort of did the WOD, I was leaving marks on the wall of the gym so I stopped.

    Nice work Libby, Joe, and Ricky I knew you guys rocked and now all of Crossfit does too!! It really is fantastic how great you guys are doing.
  17. paul Says:
  18. If they don't post the results soon i'm gonna go out of my mind!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. so, today i kicked my own ass. i was out of comission yesterday because i was a little dehydrated and pukey from the night before. whoops.
    i swam for about 40 minutes, during which i swam a 1500. it definately worked different muscle groups.
    i did yesterdays workout in HPER and got some weird looks. i only had my phone (without a timer) as my timer and finished the 2 handstand negatives as i hit 11 10 squats longer than 11 minutes.
    hope everyone had a great 4th. see you all back in the gym tomorrow.
    ricky, joe, and libby you guys are an inspiration. i am so proud to call you my coaches! and ang, no worries, zach and i have the page refreshing (no longer than) every 2 minutes.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I just checked the final results and I am so happy to be part of CF Omaha. The 3 of you did awesome and hopefully we will get some well deserved recognition.... and hopefully that means that Dutch will come visit :)
    Seriously- great job! Very impressive!
  23. paul Says:
  24. Ang, you are hilarious!
  25. A Says:
  26. I actually laughed out loud at you, Ang. Too much!
    I ran roughly 5 miles today. Felt awesome. My "new sport" was attempting to do pose running. I did a bit of research on it, and don't know if I did it correctly, but enjoyed the run, nonetheless. Then, mowed the yard which takes me an hour. Had a nice productive day.
    Again, I am just so proud to be a part of Crossfit Omaha. Way to go Ricky, Libby and Joe!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
  27. zj Says:
  28. About 8 minutes for yesterdays WOD.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. so i was just looking at some WODs online and discovered that i did a modified kelly because i got the numbering wrong. oh well. we all make mistakes.

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