Wednesday 080618

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

7:30 class warming up.

Cracking the Code
- Mark Sisson, Mark's Daily Apple

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13 Responses to "Wednesday 080618"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. so this morning was really fun! i got 4 double unders, but not together, and then couldn't for the life of me get another. my chins look like absolute crap from almost DU's though. i can still only get 3 kipping pullups strung together. but i got my first real PU blisters! see you guys tomorrow!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I did not get a workout in on Sunday so I decided to come in today and do Christine:

    3 rounds for time
    500 meter row
    12 BW Deadlifts (164#)
    21 Box Jumps (20")


    There was a lot of hard work by the 6am class on DUs and Pullups. Won't belong before everyone is doing kipping pullups and double unders.
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. Seven rounds for time of:
    75 pound Shoulder Press, 21 reps
    21 Back extensions

    RXd.... 16:50
  7. paul Says:
  8. Some nice work by the noon people, in addition to the great work by those of you who posted! nice Christine time, Zach!

    I did a brutal workout joe concocted for me: 5 rounds for time of 12 135# front squats and 400s. took a lot out of me. 16:24.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Got my first shot at Fran (more like she took her first shot at me) and I did horrible. Scaled 65 pound thrusters and jumping pullups and still only got 12:42. What's worse is I tweaked my back a little so we will see how it feels in the morning. Wasn't bad when I left, but I can sure feel it now. Didn't know what to expect. I now know.
  11. paul Says:
  12. That's not a bad first Fran time, Jim. She's not a kind woman! Hope your back improves quickly!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. i did yesterday's with tuck jumps and got 17:40. i'm slow, and it's making me feel bad. i feel stronger but i just can't push myself aerobically. frustrated:( how can i possibly perform with out you all to motivate me?!

    on a positive note, i'm excited to meet all of these new names that keep posting. congrats on getting more people every week!
  15. JimmyG Says:
  16. I did yesterday's workout too! I finished in 17:45. Double unders were slow but better than usual, Burpees kicked my butt, walking lunges were like a vacation from the pain, and I tried to get through the situps without breaking up the sets. I think my situps are too slow. I could have gotten a better time if i had pushede harder on the sit ups.

    See you guys tomorrow!!
  17. Nick Says:
  18. Fran 4:08

    just couldn't hold on to the freaking bar at the end! Hope to break the four minute barrier next time!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Congrats Nick on kicking Fran's ass. No doubt you will break 4 min next time.
  21. Mel C Says:
  22. I'm out of town until Sunday so I'll be doing my WOD's in the Fitness Center at my hotels! I'm doing Fran tonight since I missed it on Monday...I've been told it's horrible but I'm going to brave it. Have a good week Crossfitters...see you on Monday!
  23. paul Says:
  24. yeah, congrats, drago!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I did yesterdays WOD in my small hotel room. I finished at like 12:15 and felt alright. I think it was the dietary intake that was so tough for me... or maybe it was the 12 hours of sitting in a car. Either way it took a lot out of me.

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