Monday 080630

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

The professor!

CrossFit Santa Cruz Central presents - Eat This!

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5 Responses to "Monday 080630"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. So, I spent the entire weekend cleaning up, and just getting around to repairs and insurance details today. Since I couldn't make it to an official workout, I came up with my own:
    100 times pushing a mop
    100 sweeps of the broom to pick-up broken glass
    100 times pushing a mop
    100 times up a ladder to pull broken glass out of windows
    100 sweeps again
    100 cuts with a chain-saw
    100 drags pulling limbs to the curb
    100 times with a rake

    Which leads me to me next point on fitness. People ask me constantly why I work out, and the simple answer is "So I can live the lifestyle I want." I don't have to think twice about spending two days skiing, climbing a mountain, kayaking, running a race, riding my bike 20 miles and stopping for tacos/ beer along the way. But another more meaningful benefit is that I'm totally capable of performing when I absolutely have to, no matter what the situation. In the whole scheme of things, we really barely got touched this weekend. But if the sh*t does hit the fan, who is going to physically/mentally be prepared to make it through? I saw this constantly while in the AF- physically and mentally demanding situations polarized people into those who can and cannot perform. And if you're worried about Xfit only preparing you physically, I think you're missing the bigger picture. If you're not scared by the 'Filthy Fifty' or you look to the next round of 'Fran' as a way of lowering your time, then a branch through your ceiling, water in your basement and blown out windows probably won't be that intimidating in the whole scheme of things.
  3. A Says:
  4. Amen!
    WOw, Steve! Your workout was very similar to mine! Great minds...
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. steve, i love your rants.
    i went in today because i felt like a pile but still didnt really want to work out. so i spent 45 minutes working on pullups and double unders. i can get 3 and 5 strung together respectively on occasion but not regularly enough. I will probably spend more time on it tonight after swimming if i dont go out with my class...
  7. paul Says:
  8. if you look closely, my eyes are closed in that pic. reason: i thought i was going to die. sadly, that was probably only round 7 or something.

    i have been taking time off and taking mad ibuprofen, and i think my shoulder is getting a little better, but it's too early to tell. tomorrow i will do something brutal. maybe 200s. maybe 800s and back squats. anything could happen.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I was just messing with the new site and it looks pretty good guys. I know you need to work on it a little more but then it will be awesome.

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