Sunday 080628

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


50 Broad Jumps for time.

Post time as well as total distance covered to comments.

Way to go on those pullups, Mark!

"The World's Healthiest 75-Year-Old Man" by Susan Casey - Esquire Magazine

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9 Responses to "Sunday 080628"

  1. BC Says:
  2. approximately 3:30, I was using the CD player as my timer so that's why I'm not sure but I finished within 1 song...and not Freebird or some other 9 minute marathon song, it was actually Shamrocks and Shenanigans by House of Pain..yeah that's right, I do it old school. Not sure what my distance was but like everything else we do this was harder than it sounds. Worked on my double unders for a little while afterwards just for a little added punishment, I'm now up to 6 or 7 in a row before I go Indiana Jones on my shins.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. hee, hee. bc, i like how you post a song name as your time. so i talked my roommates carli and abbey into doing a livingroom workout. i'm spreading cross-fit into MO:) i'm thinking broad jumps may be a good track workout tomorrow. time: 12:13, or one "I Will Survive" and one Fall Out Boys "thanks for the memories"

    50 squats
    10 burpees
    50 sit-ups
    10 burpees
    50 squats jumps
    10 HSPU
    50 lunges
    50 sit-ups
    50 lunges
    10 HSPU
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. DId anyone else watch the video on the main page for today? If so were you as appalled as I was with all of their kettle bell swings? That is not how we do it at CrossFit Omaha!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. BC Says:
  10. Kylie, go ahead, walk on out that door :).
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. angela, i agree. those kb swings looked like absolute shit. ricky and joe would be all over us if ours looked that bad. thanks for always pushing us to perfection guys!
    thankfully, i won a guiltfree extra day off today in monopoly. so you guys have fun with broadjumps! see you tuesday!
  13. A Says:
  14. I am enjoying life without power. It's so quiet and peaceful...
  15. A Says:
  16. Oh yeah, and sawing down trees, cutting branches, and raking the yard for 2 solid days TOTALLY counts as a workout! Man, can I lift some heavy sh** now. And I can saw trees with a rope saw for HOURS. Thank you Crossfit!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I decided to do a workout I saw on Eva T's blog awhile back.

    Pushups, 20 reps down to 1 rep
    alternating with
    Situps, 1 rep up to 20 reps


    This workout sucked so much more than I was anticipating. I couldn't believe it took as long as it did. 18 Pushups down to about 8 pushups were absolutley brutal. The last four rounds of situps were tough and I had to break them up into two sets. Good one before a rest day.

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