Saturday 080628

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Team workout-2 per team
3 rounds for time
30 Overhead Squats (85#/55#)
40 Pullups
50 Box Jumps
60 Double Unders
400 meter run

This is a team workout where only one person can squat and pullup at a time and only one jump rope per team. Both team members can box jump at the same time and both must run the 400 at the same time. You can't start the next round until both have finished the run and of course the clock doesn't stop until both members finish the last 400.

Post team members and time to comments.

Damage to Qwest after yesterday's storm.

In the Gym with Coach Rip ...[wmv][mov]

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6 Responses to "Saturday 080628"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Great workout! Thanks Reba- we make a kick-ass team! Everyone looked really good this morning.
    Zach and Josh- I owe you 50 burpees.... maybe Monday.... maybe not!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Nice job 9ers! Jim & Lynne - great work! You guys finished hard - way to go! Nice to meet you, Lindsey, and even better working out with you - thanks for covering my slack on the OH squats!

    Good times!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Another creative workout. Lynn carried me with the jumprope. As fast as she was going I think she will get double unders soon. Way to finish strong. It was fun to feed off each other's energy.
    19:10 scaled
    20 Overhead Squats 45#
    40 Jumping Pullups
    50 12" Box Jumps
    300 Single Unders
    200 meter run
  7. paul Says:
  8. Hope everyone weathered the storm okay. Sure is nice having power again.

    I'm out for 2 weeks, but I'll post the misery I put myself through to stay in shape.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Can't wait to get back to it on Monday! I was out of town AGAIN! Reba and guys rock! You push me to go harder than I think I can at the 7:30pm classes during the week! :o)

    Melissa C
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Angela rocks the DU!!! More like team Angela on those :) Nice work!

    Our time was 27:25ish - that workout was dangerously deceptive-turned out the OH Squats and even the pullups were more of a relief compared to going from Box Jumps and then "trying" to get DUs....I really wonder where Ricky/Joe get these WODs - - - nice work everyone at 9AM :)

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