Sunday 080608

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Handstand Work
As many handstand negatives as possible in 10 minutes

The goal is to go from a locked out position to a position where your head is touching the floor, then drop your feet, kick them back up, and repeat for as many reps as possible in the allotted time limit. If unable to touch the head to the floor, choose a depth that is just below where you are able to push yourself back up to the locked out position.

Post total reps to comments.

A lot of you met Lynn Reynolds during Saturday's 9 AM class. She recently finished her 1-on-1's and has now begun classes. If you didn't meet her and you see her be sure to introduce yourself and make her feel welcome. It's good to have you on board Lynn.

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5 Responses to "Sunday 080608"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Did the CFE WOD (2 x 500 yd swim), followed by 15 negative handstands on the home-made parallettes.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 28 Handstand negatives in 10 minutes. This was very taxing on my shoulders but much needed.

    Steve - how about a bike ride tomorrow after work. Maybe around 6pm. Let me know as I will be doing crossift at 6am.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i got 22 hs negatives. i tried 23 2x but just fell instead of lowered myself, so i am not justifying it with a count. my goal was 20, so i was happy.
    lynn it was nice to meet you! can't wait to see you at more classes...maybe even a 6am.
  7. A Says:
  8. 42 handstand negatives in 10 minutes. traps and tris hurt. burpees should be extra-fun tomorrow.
  9. zj Says:
  10. 15 of them on Jeff's parallettes after I swam a 1000yds.

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