10 rounds for time:
12 Burpees
12 Pullups
There is a 20 minute cutoff to this workout and so with this being said you are allowed to scale the reps to either 10 rounds of 9 each exercise or even 10 rounds of 6 each exercise in order to make the cutoff time. It's a workout more towards completing all ten rounds in less than 20 minutes rather than if you can go unscaled or not.
Post whether you made the cutoff time or not and if so then proceed to post your time as well.
Our newest LEO (Lincoln PD) to drink the Kool-Aid. She'll mostly attend the late afternoon class because of work but if you happen to see Brytten, introduce yourself and welcome her to the crew. It's good to have you with us Brytten.
Wii Fit: A real way to get healthy or a trendy fad? - The New Zealand Herald
Post thoughts to comments.
Post thoughts to comments.
WOD = DNF - 9 rounds completed + 2 PU's. Great job to those who finished.
as for the wii fit, i think its a good idea. kids now spend all their time on video games not outside playing pick up games (as much as i want them to be). so why not make it as healthy as possible. i dig it.
In rounds 1,2,7 I did all 12 pullups and in all other rounds broke them up into two sets of 6. As for the burpees, I started out doing all 12, then went to two sets of 6 and finished with 1 at a time with about a second of rest in between. For as sore as my quads are from Saturday the burpees were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. Once again, looking forward to that rest day tomorrow.
Mark McGuire
Ang, I hear you on the salt thing. Except I thought the WOD was more painful than the salt. (and I'm NOT saying the salt didn't hurt.)
Anyway I am going to purchase some sweet weightlifting shoes from http://www.werksanusa.com/products-shoe-shirts.asp
if you would like to order a pair and save on shipping let me know. I will place the order around the 17th. Any questions just let me know.
Oh yeah I will be in at 7:30 to do the sweet WOD!
on an unrelated note...does anyone know the block conversion for sweet peppers? I can't find it in my books.
Looks like everyone put a lot into this. I think it's safe to say this is much harder than it appeared in print? :-)
The WOD was good for me because it is two things that I really need practice on. Scaled with jumping pull-ups and knee burpees I finished 10 rounds 6/6 in about 13 and did 9 more of 3/3 until the 20 time. Sucky, but again, good for me...
Nice job to all!
I got a lot of new names for the crossfit list, so be on the look out.
Great to see so many new and old faces.......what I mean is Nick and Jimbo!! Welcome back.
See ya!
Did the scaled at 6 & 6 for the 10rnds. Finished at 18:49 (w/a few "thought i was gonna throw up" breaks in between.
Way to go Mel on the Butterfly pullups! You rock!
I couldn't brave the salt last night :( I really need to hit my tequila in the pantry before I try it - - - then "no problem" ;)
Great to see everyone!!!
THanks Rick and Joe another evil masterpiece. YOu two are two of the most twisted people I know, Keep it up.
Donohoe out