Friday 080627

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
5 rounds of
10 DB Walking Lunges (25#/15#)
10 Pushups

followed immediately by,

5 rounds of
10 DB Jumping Lunges (use same db's as above)
10 Slapping Pushups

If you aren't able to slap your body, scale first by going to a clap pushup and second by pushing yourself away from the ground.


There are some schedule changes for Friday as well as the upcoming week. Tomorrow night's 7:30 class has been moved up to 6:30 PM. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. As for the upcoming week, we will be closed both Friday the 4th of July as well as Saturday the 5th. The rest of the schedule remains the same. There will only be a posted workout for Saturday the 5th as Friday the 4th falls on a rest day.

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15 Responses to "Friday 080627"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Hope you feel better Alison.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 13:31

    First five rounds - 3:20

    The first five rounds were pretty easy compared to the second 5 rounds.

    I was hoping to not break up the pushups for the first 5 rounds but kept thinking about the second 5 rounds of slapping pushups and decided to break up rounds 4 and 5 into two sets of 5.

    The jumping lunges with 25# was somewhat difficult in round 1 but got easy after that. The slapping pushups were very tough and did them in sets of 2 or 3 for the last 4 rounds.

    Great job with the clapping pushups, Lindsey!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Regarding Josh Bridges' 2:02 Fran, I have to agree with you all about form. There are a couple of pullups in rounds 2 and 3 i would not have counted, and if correct thruster form means getting your traps fully shrugged, elbows by your ears, then I'm not sure any of his thrusters count.

    Of course, even so, he did a hell of a lot of work in 2:02!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. First 5 rounds: I think around 4 mins. I got through the first 50 pushups pretty quickly. The next five rounds were not to fun. Those slapping pushups were to hard for me to do. The first round I did clapping pushups on my toes, then rounds 2-5 I went to my knees and did clapping pushups. I did 5 at a time and took a quick rest. Lunges weren't bad with 15#.
    Zach, nice work on those slapping pushups! Oh, my total time was 15:45.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Of course this turned out to be harder than I expected. Managed to muddle through but held onto slapping pushups throughout. Congrats to everyone at the noon class.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Really strong work, nooners!

    I got 15:30 with inverted rows instead of pushups. I didn't keep track of the difference in time between part 1 and part 2. But i'd say the 2nd half took at least twice as long.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I didn't watch the split time, but finished the whole thing in 14:58. Scaled lunges with 15lbs, pushups round 3-5 with purple band, jumping lunges no weight and jumped feet together, pushups popped up with 2 then 3 purple bands. I was impressed with Lisa pushing through to finish. True strength there. Good job noon class.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 13:10 with 15# and just jumping push-ups. I was too scared to do the slapping or even clapping ones. I could just see my blood and teeth if I tried too many....
    Everyone at noon looked great! Nice job Lisa!
  17. A Says:
  18. Thanks, Angela! Missed my noon pals! May attempt it on my own at home tonight.
    Great work, everyone!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Wow, I'm having difficulty even arms are jello! Well I missed the cutoff--finished about 45sec. after. Did 17.5lbs DB (15's were gone). I thought the jumping DB's were actually easier because I could go faster. But that just made pushups come quicker. Could only do jumping pushups and it got ugly at the end, but I finished the workout! Thanks for everyone's support--as usual you all were GREAT! Good job Steve doing all the slapping pushups!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I took off work 2 hours early so I could come in and do this work out. I was going to skip today but I wanted to try this one. I finished the first 5 rounds in 3:16 and finished the last 5 for a total of 11:39 Rx'd. The slapping push-ups were hard but I was definitely dreading the jumping lunges every round.

    Also, great work Nick! You're an animal!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 10:32 jumping pushups/15lbs DBs...ended up breaking my last set of jumping pushups in 2s, but I finished them. My wrists definitely don't feel strong on that one - -

    Nice freaking work Nick! That WOD looks freaking killer!!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Awesome work Reba! By the way, I finally saw the new crossfit website...I must say with work like that you and Danielle ARE intimidating! :) Way to represent!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. The new website is looking bad *ss! I think they should put the interview that was done with Nick today after he crushed that workout - - )

    well i can tell the interviews aren't scripted at all - i probably said "um" or "so" about five times - my old teachers would be appalled ;)

  29. Nick Says:
  30. decided to celebrate finishing my third year of med school with the killer WOD off the main site

    3 rounds of:
    800 run
    21 1.5 pood KB swings
    21 95 lb. thrusters
    21 pull ups

    finished in 26:35

    the few beers I had after my test were a bad idea!! All right, I am off to Peru for the week to hike to Machu Picchu...can't wait!!

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