Saturday 080621

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


"Tabata This"

Complete 32 consecutive intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pullups, the second 8 are pushups, the third eight are situps, and the final 8 are squats. Record the weakest round of all 4 exercises and total those numbers up for your score.

Post score to comments.

Tovar reaching the top of a heavy SDLHP.

Check out Saturday's post on CrossFit Endurance at

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14 Responses to "Saturday 080621"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Great job Ricky, that is awesome. Way to set the bar for everyone else.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. WOW! Your the man Ricky. Your going to kick ass at the games!!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 6- Inverted row pull-ups(we didn't have a good pull-up bar)
    6- push-ups
    15- sit-ups
    15- squats

    10 75# push jerks
    15 DUs
    5 jerks
    30 DU's
    10 jerks
    15 DUs
    5 jerks
    30 DUs
    10 jerks
    15 DUs
    I got only a couple weird looks and stares in the box gym we were at.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Way to be ricky!
    Ang and I did the same thing except I didn't add on the jerks and DU's.
    I got:
    6 inverted row pullups
    2 pushups after failing about 10 times on the last 3 rounds
    12 sit ups
    12 squats
    Might do something else later when i get mad at myself for not continuing on with angela...
  9. Steve Says:
  10. Ang/Hannah- hope you guys are wearing your Xfit Omaha shirts.
    For me today-
    And as always, thought I could have done just a little bit more.

  11. JimmyG Says:
  12. Great job today guys! This was my first time doing this workout.

    Pull ups: 4
    Push ups: 4
    Sit ups : 8
    Squats : 10

    Pull ups and push ups were weak today! I was a little late starting on the first round of sit ups so I only got 8 the first round. I could have pushed the squats more too. Still, I'm glad I have a starting score for this WOD. See you all next time!!
  13. A Says:
  14. I was so impressed with Addi today! You killed that nasty old Fran!

    Yeah, btw...wasn't expecting to visit with Fran today. It was a lovely surprise. Makes scraping windows the rest of the day, all the more fun!

    6:03:31 RX'd. A little longer on the time, but core was solid, and by golly, my shoulder doesn't hurt! Awesome class today!

    Way to go Ricky, on the Helen time! Fantastic!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Wow Ricky! Great job!
  17. BC Says:
  18. Ricky you're my hero!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Had a date with that filthy whore, Fran. (Alison got sloppy seconds.) 8:36, I think, as prescribed. I felt like my form on thrusters was shaky at best, and the last third or so of the pullups were... questionable. Considering how little I've come in lately, though, I was pleased. Mostly just pleased to be done, though. :)
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 15 squats
    15 situps
    6 pushups - my last round sucked!!! I had 8 up until then -
    4 pullups...

    Addi - i was super bummed had to leave and missed it!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Way to go Alison & Addi on Fran. I just don't understand why everyone hates her so much!! J/K!!!

    Anyways, here's my score for the day:
    3 Pullups-bummer started w/5 and lost it the last 2 rounds

    4 Pushups

    13 Double Unders-had to substitute for sit ups

    10 Squats-just for kicks Joe has us go all 20 seconds on the last round and i ended w/18. My hammies are killing me!!
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. So I checked the last time we did this and I got exactly one more sit up.

    5 Pull Ups
    6 Push Ups
    15 Sit Ups
    15 Squats
    41 Total

    Should have done more squats and could have done more pull ups but he shoulder hurt.

    Good job doing Fran today ladies was pretty awesome.
  27. zj Says:
  28. 8 Did 10 until round 10. Stupid rips
    6 These crushed me and I can barely count the sloppy 6 that I got.
    11 Should have done more.
    15 Should have done more.

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