For time:
150 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Class at 10:10am is open gym.
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Compare to 110314.
Fireman's carry: Dan Kremer and Chris Denney.
Quick question: How many of you would be interested in bringing back 6:30pm class on Friday's? The gym has grown like crazy over the last few months and some have expressed interest. Are you one of them?
Post thoughts to comments.
5 rds
15 OHS (74)
10 tire flips
5 stone-over-shoulder (116)
19:23. Thanks to Killer Kahrs for the help with stones, and for convincing me not to try to do 5 sets of 10. This was brutal on the lower back as it was. Going to rest tomorrow and then looking forward to kicking some ass on Monday. Look out, b1tch3s!!
Also, Jimbo, I didn't realize the programming was your work. Beautiful!