Thursday 120816

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Rest Day

Emphasis: Pick one mobility poster and complete everything on it. At least 2-3 minutes per.

The new "Grace" leaderboard. Congrats to Neil and Libby on overtaking 1st place and to Terra Moyers, Matt Behrens, Adam Brock, and Corey Sherven for making the board.

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11 Responses to "Thursday 120816"

  1. Tovar Says:
  2. Can't wait to make up Grace later today and reclaim my spot on the board. It'll be kind of sad if I knock Corey off the board after only being up there for 1 day. :) Maybe it's time we take Greg Mo's name of the board since he is no longer with the gym to make room for those that are active members?!?
  3. Mark Says:
  4. Today I played around with some kettlebells working on shoulder mobility and then did some single and double kettlebell cleans.

    Got myself signed up for the Corporate Cup this morning too! I know Steve has a CFO team he has set up but my company does too and pays my fee.

    Who all is running the 10k this year? If not, how come? Are you afraid? I ran my first 10k at this event last year and I was terrified. The longest I had ever run to that point was probably 3 miles, so 6.2 was going to be a doozy. But I drug my nervous butt downtown that rainy Sunday morning and I just focused on keeping moving. I ended up finishing in under an hour and never had to stop to walk. If I can do that with as bad as I am at running, than anyone can!! I read a great quote recently that I want everyone to take to heart: "If you're in your comfort zone, you are still warming up!" Set those fears aside and step out of your comfort zone!!

    I hope to see a lot of CFOers there!
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. What a great 9 am class today. A little bit of everything going on and everyone having fun. Great relaxed atmosphere.

    Monday's MU-BJ-OHS WOD- 14:56 (only did 2 MU per round as my MUs disappeared for some reason).

    If you find my MUs at the gym, please let me know. I don't need them today but would like to have them back asap.

    Good job Megan Mc at getting all you Annie DU's in UNBROKEN. I was glad (kind of) to do the 20 burpees I bet you. Good luck in Dallas CFO peeps!
  7. paul Says:
  8. 5 rds
    400m run
    25 situps
    12 back squats (225)

    this was kind of awful, but it felt really good to finish in the 25 min cutoff i set for myself. i did this in 22 flat in 2009. but all i did back then was squat and DL.
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. Good luck Tovar! BUT I think times should stay up until it's beaten, I just think that's fair, no?

    great post Mark, good luck to those participating!
  11. Tovar Says:
  12. Ok Gdawg I was just throwing the idea out there to make extra space on the board. I figured that Pat Mohs would need all the help he can get to make the board on something other than a du wod. I guess a leaderboard is a leaderboard and records should stand. :)
  13. pmohs Says:
  14. Hey Dustin, lets talk trash on the blog! last time I checked I am ahead of you on those DU workouts punk! If I was around when CFO had 7 male clients come to the gym I'd probably be on a few more like you! Shouldn't you be working on getting my insurance rates lower?
  15. jakeH Says:
  16. I think records should stand. Greg Mo was a driving force for me when I first started. Also, it seems like a good reference point to see where people have been and how far people have come.

    I would like to do Grace again and claim a spot on the board, however I am temporarily displaced in South Dakota. Last time I would have tied for 2nd. Its been 2 years and I wonder what would happen. Maybe Ill tape it up here.

    Maybe Greg Mo could send a video submission and show us whats up.
  17. paul Says:
  18. Jake, I definitely think you (and Greg) should send us some videos from time to time!

    I think I'll do Grace on Sat, but 2:31 would be tough for me to beat.
  19. Greg MO Says:
  20. Appreciate that Jake!! U were a driving force for me as well, I am always looking for badasses like u to push me here in KC still to this day.

    I'll see what I can do about those video submissions but trust me I always still and always will claim CFO as my affiliate....forever and ever amen!!!!

    Love and miss u guys, keep up the good work!!!!
  21. Stacie Says:
  22. 1:47 Rxd

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