Monday 120820

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As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

Compare to 101030.

Post total reps/round completed to comments/Logwod.

Team CFO hanging out with former CFO athlete Kat Anderson.

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18 Responses to "Monday 120820"

  1. Nate Gray Says:
  2. Oof. 12 rnds +3 push ups 3/6/9.
  3. Nate Gray Says:
  4. ^Nate Gray
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. missed a lot of faces this morning but I suppose Team CFO deserves a day of rest after this weekend ;-) Glad Lauren and Katelyn were there, huge mental battle getting up this morning but remembered I wouldn't be the only one going to through the work, thanks ladies for keeping me motivated!

    Stuck around to stretch/roll out and watch 9am class. Oscar's pullups looked great, I don't remember them being so efficient when I visited 9am class, keep up the good work dude! Was nice to meet a few new faces after class as well!

    I know Carol S. got pretty frustrated with pullups today and wasn't too happy about scaling. Just remember that scaling isn't a bad thing guys. You have to start somewhere & you have to be patient. Scale it to keep the integrity of the workout, don't scale to make it easier.

    Some days the movements are there and some days we struggle with them. Lots of things like diet, sleep and stress can get in the way, that's why it's so important to document what you do and how you feel when you do it. Get a log book or a notebook, log, logwod, there are many ways to keep track so there are no excuses for not knowing.

    Don't get so frustrated with missing a movement that you cut yourself short of the intensity and value of the workout. Today is a long WOD, pick a pace and workload where you can keep moving, find the balance in challenging yourself and keeping good technique. Be sure to hydrate well too...#NORHABDO!

    Good luck afternoon/eve classes and congrats to those that will make the board for this benchmark! Get after it and WRITE IT DOWN!

  7. paul Says:
  8. Well said, Megan!

    This is a tough one, and I was not looking forward to it, esp. with my shoulder problems lately, but it went pretty well.

    15 rds rx'ed.

    Could've worked a little harder, but today I needed to focus on good movement and healthy shoulder positions.
  9. Jess @ Blonde Ponytail Says:
  10. Love your comment Megan!! So many factors!!

    I did ring pull-ups 3/6/9 getting in 19 rounds. REALLY focused on correct full, push-up form--those kicked me a little bit-glad I modified to keep the intensity up!
  11. paul Says:
  12. Also wanted to say that it's nice to see more people posting lately, especially some newer folks!

    Although it might seem like it sometimes, this blog isn't just a forum for me to brag about my deadlift and complain about my shoulder. It's for everyone!

    Lastly, I left my nasty t-shirt in the men's room. I apologize in advance to anyone who might've come in contact with it. I'll clear it out at 6am tomorrow.
  13. Stephen Says:
  14. I'll have to make this one up on Thursday. Are the pull-ups strict?
  15. Steve Says:
  16. Stephen, anyway you can do them. Although kipping is faster. And remember to break up the pushups early so you don't burn out.

    16 rounds plus 5 pullups, rx'd. I would really like to hit 18 or 19 sometime.
  17. Stephen Says:
  18. How did you break up the push ups? They will be the ultimate limiting factor for me. Sets of five?
  19. Steve Says:
  20. Sets of 5 at first , then after about 10 rounds it was 4,3,3. And I constantly varied my hand placement- in narrow transfer work to triceps, out wide uses more pecs.
  21. Marie Says:
  22. Good post, Megan G!
    Did a modified/scaled Cindy - 5 ring rows, 5 pushups, 15 air squats. Lost count of rounds, but I had either 12 or 13 complete. I tried really hard to keep pushup form and not be wormy. I could not push off the ground in the final seconds.
    Did a cool-down run with Andrew, Paula, Hannah & Andy G after the WOD - 1 mile with Andy G, who wore a vest :) Nice job, Andy!!
    Last but not least, worked on getting a strict pullup. I can get about halfway up. The grip thing from last week's blog is helping.
  23. JennG Says:
  24. Did Black Lung today. Used an 18" stack for the jumps, but they were mostly unbroken & pogo so I'm feeling much better about these. Finished in 7:02.
    What a great opportunity to be part of Face of Fitness today!
  25. Paula Says:
  26. Did "Black Lung"- 4:22- Decided to scale to 15-12-9 if I wanted to go unbroken. Stopped about 3 times during burpees for about 2 breaths then continued. Tried to pogo on 3 reds but didn't go too well. I had to pause a second at bottom before jumping. Needs some work.

    Then Andrew talked Hannah, Andy, Marie, and I to run and then sprint up the J street hill. Ugg!

    Thanks Face of Fitness for the great opportunity to show our "faces". I'm sure there was some interesting ones today.

    Great job 6:30! You guys all ROCK!!!
  27. Addi Says:
  28. #meganissmart See you in the morning, girl! Don't know how much I'll be doing yet, but I miss seeing you all!
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Marie, you have gotten so much stronger. It was fun to see you work after not being around the evening folks in a while. Huge changes. Your form tonight was excellent, and you'll get that pullup any day. So close. Keep up the good work, girl!
  31. Addi Says:
  32. #meganissmart See you in the morning, girl! Don't know how much I'll be doing yet, but I miss seeing you all!
  33. Stacie Says:
  34. 17 rds + 12 air squats
  35. Kristina Nash Says:
  36. What is "black lung?"

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