Friday 120824

Unknown Filed Under:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 1 mile
40 Thrusters, 64#/43#

Scale as necessary.

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17 Responses to "Friday 120824"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. I was too delirious after today's workout to remember to write my stats on the board. My goal was to do 1200m run and 30 thrusters with 43#.

    DNF: 1200m - 1200m - 800m, 30-30-18.

    Nice work 6AM and thanks for all the encouragement as I struggled through that last set of thrusters!
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. Congrats to Shelley for getting her first strict T2B today! Rang the PR bell yesterday and AGAIN today! way to go girl!

    Shelley made a comment about feeling a little silly ringing the bell...i say enjoy it! You know you're proud of yourself for getting that PR so take pride in it, ring the bell, ring it loud and let yourself be excited for YOU! No shame, just do it, and have fun with it!

    Great work again this morning by all, was good to see more new faces! Best of luck to everyone with the workout today...don't shy away from it if running isn't your "gluten free bread and butter" (@theetarabear)!

    Happy Friday!

  5. Unknown Says:
  6. Great work everyone! Sorry 9 am I had to rush out and totally forgot to put my bar away! Thank you for cleaning up after me : / have a great weekend!
  7. Rooks Says:
  8. I scaled today's workout to 1200, 1200, 1200 with 30 thrusters @64 between each run. Tried to keep a 7:30 pace but I fell off that quickly. I ended up with 32:48.
    I need to start running more on my own at night.
    Everyone at 9am did a great job.
  9. Paula Says:
  10. What a fun WOD...NOT! I was exhausted after the very entertaining warm up!

    30:00 even. Decided to go with Option E (800m runs with 44# bar thrusters). In my eyes I was cruising along as much as a "jiggle jogger" can, so I decided to do 1200m on last run. I was getting really dizzy with the thrusters...broke up 10,8,6,6.

    Nice job 9am! You guys all rock!
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. After reading these posts about todays WOD Julie and I decided to go to the wine tasting event at Aksarben Village/Stinson Park instead of working out.

    If anyone else would rather drink wine this afternoon, we hope to see you there. HA!
    (Actually, we had tickets before we saw todays WOD... and are glad we have tickets)
  13. Unknown Says:
  14. Great class 6am!!!

    I tried to start strong and had to scale down after that

    30 thrusters #33

    Great job everyone!!
  15. paul Says:
  16. Wow. I really thought I could finish this one, but I had to drop the 3rd run to 1200m. Got all 120 thrusters, though, and I'm proud of that. 34:56. Guess I need to work on my running.

    Great work, noon! I was very happy to see so many people because it would be easy to look at that one and say "no way!"
  17. Shane Says:
  18. You know what this workout had too much of? Pain.
  19. jessrooks Says:
  20. 1200-800-800
    30 Thrusters at 34#

    Had my CFO shirt when I stopped at Walgreens, the guy behind me said, "you crossfit, you are crazy" Great job 4:30!
  21. Steve Says:
  22. If you liked this one, then you:

    A. are a sick and twisted individual

    B. should sign up with Team CFO in the Omaha Corporate Cup.

    Went rx'd, got the mileage in but came up 20 thrusters short.
  23. Unknown Says:
  24. This might have been one of my first Rx'd WODs. Rx'd at 33:16. Definitely felt it by the last 40 thrusters! Good job 430!
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Check out all the new posters! Love it.

    I was feeling all kinds of cocky about not having to do this, and then team conditioning this morning ended up being running and thrusters. And burpees. Ouch. Not sure which would have been worse.
  27. JennG Says:
  28. Scaled runs to 800 meters, but went 44# for the full 40 thrusters each round. Finished at 28:15. I'd love to say I should have gone 1200's but I really don't think I left anything out there. Boy, I sure did love running the whole time I was doing it too. Also pretty sure I am exponentially more quad dominate after this workout. Damn squats...probably should get on that sooner than later.

    Such a fun 5:30 class. Thank you to Megan M to pushing me past the limit I thought I had & for running with me the last round. Also for Tara for sticking around to help really does make a difference.
  29. Joe Says:
  30. DNF'd "A"...30 thrusters short. I pushed Evan in the stroller. He didn't help at all...just laid there and even slept part of the time. #bum
  31. Addi Says:
  32. Evan also didn't sign in for class. Please inform him that this will cost him a freebie. We don't seem to have his email on file. #offthegrid
  33. Joe Says:
  34. I don't even know how to find him, half the time. #hidingfromcreditors?

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