Power Clean - Every Minute on the Minute
Perform 1 power clean (from floor w/ no squat) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. Use 90% of your 1 rep max.
For time:
21 Handstand Push ups
8 Hang Squat Cleans, 203#/131#
18 Handstand Push ups
6 Hang Squat Cleans, 203#/131#
15 Handstand Push ups
4 Hang Squat Cleans, 203#/131#
12 Handstand Push ups
2 Hang Squat Cleans, 203#/131#
Kipping handstand push ups are permitted. Scale weights to 186#/121#, 164#/109#, 143#/99#, or 132#/77#.
Scale this workout up by doing the first 12 hspu of 21, strict, the first 10 hspu of 18, strict, the first 8 of 15, strict, and the first 6 of the round of 12, strict.
Post results to comments/Logwod.
Thank you all who came out and celebrated a wonderful CFONation on Saturday. We enjoyed all of your company and are especially grateful to Chris Circo for allowing us to use his home, pool, and boat/jet ski.
Really cool to see Greg and Bonnie take to the water.
DNF on metcon:
Got through 1 HSPU on round of 12 at cutoff (13 minutes);
11 of 55 HSPU's were scaled to a box.
First round: HSPU's 15 Rx'd; 6 box
Cleans: 4/4
Second round: HSPU's 14 Rx'd; 4 box
Cleans: 4/2
Third round: 14 HSPU's Rx'd; 1 box
Cleans: 4
I thought those from a box were harder and actually failed on a couple of these so went back to Rx'd. Kipping HSPU's are getting better, but I still need to work on being able to do larger sets (had one set of 7, but a lot of sets of 4's and 3's and by 3rd round I was down to 3's and 2's)
Good work 5 a.m.!!
Did HSPU from a stack of bumpers, and 179 for HSCs. This was much tougher than I expected. Started rx'ed, but quickly got put in my place.
109# hang squat cleans. Probably should have gone lighter because I ended up having to do singles
Rx'd Hspu
DNF - made it through 8 of the set of 12 Hspu before time ran out. This workout was super humbling to say the least!
Great work 6am! Get after a Monday!
99# for metcon - I need to work on hang squat cleans, my knees were shooting all over the place. Yikes. I got through 15 HSPU - used an abmat on 18 and 15. I would like to say I used the abmat because my head is sunburned, but let's be honest - this was hard!
Great work, 6am!
12:17 for the metcon, but I only used 99 for the squats cleans. I did a combo of strict and kipping HSPUs. By the end I finally felt more comfortable. Happy I made it through all those HSPUs
164 for squat cleans- made it thru 6 of 15 HSPUs with kipping.
Thanks Jimbo for the assist with 'elbows high'.
Conditioning- 8:41- 99# HSC- These felt better than PC. Broke up sets in half. Used 20# DB seated presses.
I enjoyed this WOD. Great job 6:30! It was a hot and sweaty one.
conditioning 11:44, scaled the front squat weight to 99# and for the HSPUs I did kippin till failure and then finished the rest with knees on the box. Last two rounds were all on the box, didn't have any kipping left in me.