Rest Day
Reminder, tomorrow is Warrior Dash Friday. Come prepared for a crack of the whip.

Individual Male: Kyle Kasperbauer
Individual Females: Stacie Tovar and Libby DiBiase
TeamCFO: Jon Pingel, Dustin Tovar, Ricky Frausto, Megan McNamara, Rebecca Oberle, Addi Kahrs (and Shelley Buchholz)
Philippians 4:13 - There is nothing I cannot do in the One who strengthens me!
Follow along on Twitter at: @WomenofCFO and @CFGNorCenRegion
Visit for up to date results.
BTW, where will all the CFOers staying local be watching the show?
Made up yesterday's WOD:
198# 3x5 High Bar BS (did 191# last time); these felt really good
3:58 Rx'd (189#) on metcon; burpee form is much better, DL's felt light.
Did press afterwards on a 3.5 minute clock.
1x5 at 99, 2nd and 3rd sets were 4 reps each; failed to get 5th rep on 2nd set, but I thought I could get it on 3rd and failed on 5th rep again. Last time I did this I did 3x5 at 92# in Feb.
Shelley, way to kick some ass on yesterday's!
Gina ran a mile nonstop this a.m. and I have to find out about it on Facebook!!!
Great job girl!!!
Thanks Paul.
Shelley, way to go on yesterday's WOD - you killed it