Bulgarian Split Squats (front rack position)
After a thorough warm-up including both empty barbell and weighted sets, perform 4 working sets of 6 reps each leg, sets across. You have about a 10# window upon which you can move up but anything higher than that and it becomes your first set and you must complete 3 more sets with that new weight. Four minute clock. Compare to 120125.
As many reps/rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
Run 100 meters
8 Single Arm DB Thrusters, 50#/35#
Rest 2 minutes.
As many reps/rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
25 Double Unders
12M/8F Hand Release Push ups
Rest 2 minutes.
As many reps/rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
15 Air Squats
8M/4F Pull ups
For single arm db thrusters, run, do all 8 with one arm, run, do all 8 with other arm, and so on.
Post all results to comments/Logwod.

The Dos Equis & Double Under crew. What a fun night? For those that were there, what will you remember most?
The first AMRAP I did 4 rounds + 6 thrusters (20#)
The second AMRAP I did 6 rounds (scaled the DUs w/ lateral jumps and did push-ups from knees)
The third AMRAP I did 6 rounds + 10 air squats (scaled the PUs with jumping)
I did:
98# for all sets of BS Squats
5 rounds plus the run on the first AMRAP
5 rounds plus 5 pushup on the second AMRAP
6 round for the last AMRAP
The real question is will I be able to walk normal tomorrow?
Split squats: 93, 98, 98, 108
6 rds rx'ed of sprint/thruster
5 rds rx'ed of DU/pushup
6 rds rx'ed of squat/pullup
I finished about 25s early each time, and took the extra rest.
5rnds plus a run.
5rnds plus DUs and 2 PUs
9 rnds plus 5 air squats
Walking will be entertaining tomorrow. MWOD, MWOD, MWOD!!
For the next three days you can help support our very own Games Athlete, Stacie Tovar, with the purchase of a PurePharma t-shirt!! A portion of the proceeds from today, tomorrow, and Friday's t-shirt sales will be donated to Stacie's 2012 CrossFit journey. Be sure to swing by their website and show your support. I would also like to mention that their fish oil is pretty amazing too. Thanks!
Afterward I saw with a blank stare at the ground until I regained my mental state.
Nice work 5am. Setting the bar high as always!
98 for squats (down from my previous at 110).
Round rx'd:
5 1/2
7 rounds Rx'd for run/thrusters with :12 left over (I like thrusters :))
6 rounds Rx'd for DU's and pushups (I did let my quads touch floor except for last 2 rounds so those last 2 rounds were a lot tougher)I didn't realize quads couldn't touch until I was called on it. I had :03 left over.
10 rounds Rx'd for air squats/pullups. Pullups felt solid/smooth. I also like air squats (the pain from BS squats hadn't set in yet). I had :03 left over.
Good work 4:30!! Way to work BS squats Ellen and Kristina (my training partners for the day)
I did not write down my rounds for the CWOD, but I remember it being BRUTAL. I did thrusters with 30# DB. Push-ups sucked. I need to focus on getting these stronger or I won't hit my New Year's Goal. Pull-ups felt good. I thought at the beginning I was going to have to scale the reps, but I did not! Yeah!!
What will I remember most from DE and DU?...Carrie Adams rocking her DU's! Way to go lady! Oh, and having to remind Mr. Tovar to drink after his du's Stinker wanted to run around with his flag and slack on the drinking!
Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow! Nice work 430! Way to get after it Shelley and Ellen!
5 rounds 35# db
Felt like a baby deer today on the 100m after those split squats. It wasn't pretty!
Great work 9am!
5 rounds (25# db for thrusters)
4 rounds plus 25 DU's (scaled pu's to toes going down, knees coming up)
6 rounds plus 15 squats (did jumping pullups x 8 each round)
Great job 4:30 peeps! Nice meeting you in person Steve! :)
5 rounds & 5 thrusters
4 rounds & 16 Du's
6 rounds & 1 pullup
as for DE/DU's event, my favorite memory was how increadible the community energy/atmosphere was all night! From the second ppl showed up everyone was gettin silly with pictures and pre-gaming.
Then during the event people were encouraging/laughing, Joe Leggett w/his shirt tied was another highlight, Andrew & his brother's outfits, Tovar running with the flag, everyone cheering on Shelley at the end, etc. Also the love and support for Jenn Grass, very heartwarming moment.
Another favorite memory was getting to Fernandos and Damian making sure he called me out to let me know they had flour chips :-) kids don't miss anything!
And then ending the night with Lauren, Stacey, Jason, and Courtney in Dundee at the Underwood Bar. Longest stink and drink of my life, pretty disgusting but it was a blast. We ran into other xfitters & I think they were a little jealous of our gym's event :-) We are one of kind ppl! LOVE IT!
Kristina, you do not need to do anything when you check out. Simply put, all proceeds from t-shirt sales yesterday, today, and tomorrow will go towards helping Stacie on her quest for the 2012 CrossFit Games. Thanks a bunch in advance for your support!