Tuesday 120529

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For time:
17 Bar Facing Burpees
Farmer's Carry 100 meters, 2/1.5 pood
17 Bar Facing Burpees
Three rounds of:
10 Thrusters, 125#/77#
10 Ring Pull ups
17 Bar Facing Burpees
Farmer's Carry 100 meters, 2/1.5 pood
17 Bar Facing Burpees

The cut-off is 18 minutes. Hold a 2 or 1.5 pood in each hand for the farmer's carries. For those that can, scale up the second round of ring pull ups with muscle ups.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

What a stud. About to graduate from high school and R.K. decides he needs to honor a fallen soldier first.

Here seen with brother-in-law, sister, dad, and mom. Good luck to you R.K. in all your future endeavors.

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11 Responses to "Tuesday 120529"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Wow, 2:30 and I'm the first to post? Shall I assume it's because everyone's still too sore from Murph to type anything?

    17:36 with MU. Thrusters and I did not see eye-to-eye today. Ouch. Happy with MU, though: 3, 3, 2, 2.

    Nice work, nooners!
  3. Kristina Nash Says:
  4. Chest. Sore. From. Murph. Pushups. Ouch!

    DNF for WOD, but loved the ring pull-ups! So fun!!
  5. pmohs Says:
  6. I'll join you Paul, now that it is summer and I have nothing else to do!

    17:25 with MU. I am a little upset with this time, but I have no excuses, I just couldn't do the muscle ups fast enough. Wanted to beat Danny, but he had my number on this one, I HAVE to work on MU when I'm fatigued so workouts like this don't kill me.

    Have a great day everyone!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Pat apparently hasn't taken a rest day since 2011 and yet he says he has no excuses...
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. 14:19 Rx'd.

    Thrusters were the best part of this WOD!

    Good job 4:30!!
  11. Paula Says:
  12. WOW...posting has been really weak lately!

    DNF...had 8 burpees left. I went prescribed on thrusters and farmers walk. Should have gone with the 1 pood on last walk...I kept losing my grip with the 1.5. They fell out of hands 3 times on the way back. Thanks for the extra push, Crystal. Tried the ring pull-ups and it wasn't happening today. So did negatives.

    I kinda enjoyed this WOD. Good to back to CFO!!!

    A HUGE CONGRATS TO MEGAN G. She went prescribed and finished the workout before the cut off for the first time in a year. She was pretty emotional about it and for a good reason. Proud of you girl!! Way to go!
  13. Shane Says:
  14. I disagree with Shelley...thrusters are never the best part of any workout. The farmer's carry, however, is. WOD idea: 400m farmer's carry (2/1.5), 5 burpee penalty for every putdown.
  15. Gdawg Says:
  16. Thank you Paula!! I am so happy I want to shout it from the top of a Mountain!

    Definitely was an attitude change...has taken a long time to build up confidence after last years struggles. After so many let downs and struggles it became easy to shy away from pushing the limit and testing my limits.

    Still very far from where I want to be but I needed this little boost tonight. Looking forward to going Rx'd with something heavier and with some more challenging movements.

    Finished 16:16 RX'd. Next time I'll push harder and less water/chalk breaks...gotta stay mentally tough at those times!

    Great work to everyone tonight. Remember

    "I may scale a WOD, but I will NEVER GIVE UP!"....

    keep working hard, PUSH AND TEST your limits, most importantly focus on YOU!!! YOU'LL GET THERE!

  17. paul Says:
  18. Attagirl, Megan!!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. I agree on all points. Also, impeccable punctuation.
  21. Shane Says:
  22. Thank; you,?

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