Tuesday 120522

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Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Double Unders
20 Burpee Box Jumps, 24"/20"

For the burpee box jumps, your feet must land on the box before crossing over to the other side to complete the next rep. You do not have to stand up on the box at any time but you may not jump over the box. You must always be facing the box when completing the burpee portion. The cut-off is 30 minutes.

Scale as needed so no walking takes place. Always moving.

Post time or work completed to comments/Logwod.

A big, large congratulations to both Kyle Kasperbauer and Stacie Tovar for qualifying as individuals to the 2012 CrossFit Games. They are superb role models for the city of Omaha and the state of Nebraska and will represent well. All in all, from one lone gym in the middle of the country, we had a 9th place individual, a 4th place team, a second place individual, and a champ. We're very proud of CrossFit Omaha. That's who we are.

I'd also like to send a shout out to our good friend to the west, Phil Kneip from CrossFit Lincoln. What a great accomplishment for an even greater gentleman. Good luck to you Phil in Carson.

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8 Responses to "Tuesday 120522"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. DNF:

    Got through 4 rounds plus 50 DU's and 2 BBJ's. I scaled the runs to 600 meters from the beginning and did everything else Rx'd. First round took me 5:41. Each round got a little bit slower, but DU's were pretty good for me (2 rounds unbroken with my first round of DU's being the worst as I messed up twice) and I just kept moving on BBJ's.

    Great job to all the Games athletes who competed last weekend. It was very inspiring to see all the hard work and effort each of you gave. I'm proud to be a part of CFO!

    Good work 6 a.m.!!
  3. Nate Gray Says:
  4. Kicked my ass today. Loved it. I had to modify a whole lot, but still got the big DNF. 4 rounds of 200 meter run, 100 single under and 10 modified burpee box jumps. Good WOD guys.
  5. BC Says:
  6. Amazing what Kyle can do now that he finally ditched the "White Men Can't Jump" high tops and started wearing shirts with sleeves.

    Huge shout out to Libby, Stacie, Kyle, Ricky, Dustin, Jonathan, Addi, Megan and Reba. You all did awesome and should be proud. Also have to give a shout out to Shelley for training with the team as the alternate and always being ready to go - you are the female Tim Tebow of CFO.
  7. Tovar Says:
  8. I just wanted to say thank you to the entire CFO community for their endless support over the past few weeks. It's easy to push yourself and train hard when you know that you're not just representing yourself, but also the amazing group of people that make up CFO. A special thanks to those that made the trip out to Chicago this past weekend. Despite a disappointing finish competing was still an absolute blast and having you there made it that much more memorable and fun. Congratulations to Kyle and Stacie for making it back to the Games! You two are without a doubt F***ing BEASTS and I know you guys will make us proud in July.
  9. paul Says:
  10. brutal. DNF! I got 4 rds in 27:50 and then stopped--I just wasn't going to be able to keep intensity at all high so i stopped. Kind of hate to do that.

    Finished rd 1 right around 6 min, but couldn't keep up that pace.

    burpee box jumps are a nightmare!
  11. JennG Says:
  12. That was pretty horrible. I super scaled this guy because I wanted to make sure to get through all the double unders. Ran 400 the first round, then 200 each of the following. Did all 50 DU & then burpee box jumps until the 6 minutes was up. Have been working on DU & wanted to focus on them, as well as keep moving. Got as many as 23 in a row. Pretty damn excited about that. Progress.
  13. Paula Says:
  14. Agree with Jenn. This was horrible. I saw this workout and I did not want to come because I was exhausted from the weekend and it was 3 weaknesses. But I came and glad I did. I was 32 DU's in on the 5th round when time was called. I ran 400m runs. I took Ricky's advice and took off for the runs at 6min, 12, 18, and 24min. I got 15 BJ 1st rd, then 12, 8, and 4. I skinned up my chins twice. First time was on the warm up. Not a good sign.

    Great job to all at 6:30!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. Agree with Jenn. This was horrible. I saw this workout and I did not want to come because I was exhausted from the weekend and it was 3 weaknesses. But I came and glad I did. I was 32 DU's in on the 5th round when time was called. I ran 400m runs. I took Ricky's advice and took off for the runs at 6min, 12, 18, and 24min. I got 15 BJ 1st rd, then 12, 8, and 4. I skinned up my chins twice. First time was on the warm up. Not a good sign.

    Great job to all at 6:30!

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