In teams of 2, complete the following for time:
75 Back Squats, 132#/92#
50 Pull ups
25 Push Press/Jerk, 132#/92#
75 Front Squats, 88#/63#
50 Pull ups
25 Push Press/Jerk, 88#/63#
75 Overhead Squats, 64#/43#
50 Pull ups
25 Push Press/Jerk, 64#/43#
Click on comments to see rules of the game. There are plenty.
Post time or work completed to comments/Logwod.
The final Chi-town crew of CFO supporters including our qualifiers (champ in the back, way up). Thanks so much to everyone that came out to cheer their hearts out. It made a difference.
1. All teams must start the workout outside the building with their hands on the next door building's wall. You will run inside at the call of 3-2-1-Go!
2. The workout must begin with no weight on the bar (clips must be used at all times).
3. Teams must change their own weights.
4. One Pull up space per team. Pick a bar height set to the taller athlete. Use of box to reach bar is permitted.
5. Bar cannot touch the floor at any time unless it is after the 25th push press/jerk rep of any round to change weights. This means that during pull ups, one partner must provide rack for bar. If it does touch the ground, there is a 30 second penalty of no work allowed.
6. Since there will be a lot going on, if anyone is caught skimping on range of motion (coach's call), there will be a 60 second penalty of no work allowed.
7. Weights are blue plates, then green plates, then training plates for guys. For the ladies, it's Green plates plus 5# and 2.5#, followed by training plates plus 5#, and finally 5#.
8. The cut-off is 15 minutes.
Scaling Options:
Guy's Weights - 110 (yellow)/88 (green)/64 (training plate)
Ladies' Weights - 77 (green)/53 (training plate)/33 (empty bar)
Reps - 50 for all squats / 30 for all pull ups / 15 for all overheads
Pull ups - use jumping pull ups if needed.
There will be a rep scheme if there needs to be a 3 or 4 person team.
Teamed up with Jen A and got through all push jerks in 2nd round at 64# with :03 left.
We moved through back and front squats pretty smoothly/quickly each doing 2 sets of reps for each of those movements. We each did 1 set of reps on each round of push jerks. We decided to break up pullups at 25 each, knowing we wouldn't be going unbroken but we figured the short rest in between our sets would still be faster than switching places with the barbell. Our second round of pullups we switched twice instead of once.
Holding the barbell was tougher than one might expect.
Loved working with you Jen!
Good work to the 6 a.m. crew!!
Finished 2 rds + 35 OHS. MacDaddy was pulling some weight for me. Thanks, girl!
Actually wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be, but I just felt slow today. My back felt really soft in the bottom of my squats. Pullups felt strong today, though!
Looking forward to this workout tonight! Slowly but surely catching up on am i this exhausted when i didn't even compete!? weak.
I LOVED THIS WOD!!! Great job 6:30!! Good times as always!
I'm leaving for S.Dak. tomorrow so we will see you all tuesday. Have a happy and safe holiday weekend. Have fun with MURPH! I'll be thinking of you all! I may do my own version of it at my parents ranch.
Great job, 6:30 & thanks for pushing me, Paula!