All Classes This Morning Will Be Open Gym and there is also Pilates at 8am.
My goal is to help each and every one of you at the movement of your choice. Let's #getafterit.
Also, be sure to get your butts over to Varsity Sports Cafe in Dundee for our CFGCentralEast Regional watch party. It starts at 11am and CFO member Miss Hannah Bretz will be bringing some tasty paleo treats via her awesome new company, Paleo Baking Co.
Don't miss out. Any last takers should email Jenn Grass at

Mac, oh Mac, whatever are you doing? Ha.
How many people know or have met Mac Gills? This guy's got a sweet sense of humor and is making some moves in the gym. He's getting better at so many things so very fast. Look for him to make a dent come the Open next year.
It's good to know you Mr. Gills.
BW benchpress and Toes 2 Bar.
My tombstone will be engraved with my final words, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."
Warmed up to a 418 DL, which felt WAY too heavy today. Was going to do 5 singles, but 2 was all I could get today.
Then every 3 min for 5 rds
10 DL (274)
10 ring dips
This murdered my lower back! Ring dips felt good overall, though I dropped the reps in the end: 10, 10, 6, 7, 7.