Friday 120511

Unknown Filed Under:

Ring Row Drill

In small groups to a set of rings, practice this movement starting out at 8 reps, then when you come up in the rotation again, do 7 reps, followed by 6 reps, and so on until you reach 1 rep.

Follow the drill exactly as seen in the video if you plan on using a false grip. If you would like to forgo the false grip in lieu of a regular grip, you will keep most everything the same except you will lead with the hips before doing a super fast sit up in order to allow the transition to occur. In either movement, you must keep the legs fully extended and only the HEEL of the foot touching the ground at all times in order for the drill to be effective (no standing up).


For time:
Run 800 meters
25 Pistol w/ Roll, alternating
15 Hang Cleans, 225#/136#

For the pistols, the prescribed method will be two feet during the descent, one foot during the ascent (watch vid for demo). Scaled weights are 198#/121#, 176#/109#, 154#/99#, 132#/77#. Cut-off is 12 minutes.

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12 Responses to "Friday 120511"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Now that's a man maker if I've ever seen one...
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Skill work:

    Alternated between false grip transition and regular grip transition. False grip was much harder for me. Both versions got better with more reps. Teamed up with Tessa who made it look pretty easy!

    9:16 on metcon. I did rolling pistols going down on one leg and coming up on two. During warmup, I wasn't able to do this without putting my hand down on the floor. I failed on my first one coming back from run but was then able to get one so I stuck with these. I still had to redo a few, and thank goodness I had plenty of space to do these (not very graceful). These alone took me almost 5 minutes....

    Cleans felt good and broke up 7/4/4. Thanks for tips on keeping my feet in Amanda. That helped a ton. Did cleans in 1:16.

    Good work ladies!! I think that was my second 9:00 a.m. class and it was fun!!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Don't forget to buy your Pure Pharma t-shirt to support Stacie.

    I did, and you should too :)
  7. paul Says:
  8. Could quite get 225, so this ended up being pretty manageable at 198. 9:13. Was happy to get the rolling pistols rx'ed--last time I tried to come up on 1 foot, it wasn't happening. Did 5 sets of 3 hang power cleans. heavy, but do-able.
  9. paul Says:
  10. 5x5 press: 125#. missed the 5th rep of the 4th set. Tried widening my grip, but apparently I'm not as strong in that ROM.
  11. Blair Tice Says:
  12. Mixed both false grip and regular grip for the ring rows.

    My adductor was very angry today so I rowed the 800m, did pushups instead of pistols, and hang cleans at 109#. Definitely want to do this one again!

    Fun all ladies class today at 9am! Great work!
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Couldn't do rolling pistols... no problems doing regular pistols, or negatives, just can't transition to the point with my feet under my butt. But I think instead of trying to master this, I'll concentrate on learning/ getting better at other skills. I'm willing to live with being bad at pistol rolls.
  15. Shane Says:
  16. Ring row drills were...pragmatic is the word that comes to mind. I'll do more of those in my quest for either a strict muscle-up and/or consecutive kipping mus.

    8:36 for the conditioning wod @ 176#. Probably shoulda gone with 198#. Love all Friday workouts.
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. 9:39 with 198#. Most I've ever cleaned and it felt GREAT. Super pumped after this workout. Hamstrings still tight so run was a little unpleasant.

    Good to work on the ring rows. Helped to see where I'm messing up on the transition.

    Nice work 5:30. Lots of great effort.
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. 9:39 with 198#. Most I've ever cleaned and it felt GREAT. Super pumped after this workout. Hamstrings still tight so run was a little unpleasant.

    Good to work on the ring rows. Helped to see where I'm messing up on the transition.

    Nice work 5:30. Lots of great effort.
  21. Lauren F. Says:
  22. 11:09 with 99#. Scaled the rolls to two feet going down and coming up. The cleans felt heavy and I was down to one rep at a time by number 6, but was glad that I pushed myself. Great 4:30 class tonight!
  23. Lauren F. Says:
  24. 11:09 with 99#. Scaled the rolls to two feet going down and coming up. The cleans felt heavy and I was down to one rep at a time by number 6, but was glad that I pushed myself. Great 4:30 class tonight!

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