Monday 120507

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Snatch (power or squat)

Spend 10 to 15 minutes working skill and getting feedback from coaches. The goal here is to stay relatively light. For some of you that may be empty barbell or very little weight while others may be comfortable with heavier weights. The goal is not to miss.


Every 75 seconds, complete 20 Double Unders and one snatch (squat or power) for as long as you are able. You have the full 1:15 to complete the double unders, get your snatch, and change your weight for the next set. If you miss a snatch, try again but once the 1:15 is up, you are done with the workout.

Start with a weight you are comfortable with and every set thereafter, increase. The goal is amass the most amount of sets possible as well as the highest weight possible. Person A may look like 45#/55#/65#/75#/85#/95#/105#/etc. whereas Person B may look like 132#/142#/154#/164#/176#/etc.

You must get the double unders in order to be able to attempt the snatch. Scale double unders by either taking reps down to 15 or 10 or substitute lateral jumps over parallettes.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Our Dos Equis and Double Under winning team of Egan, Danny, Jen, and Terra. Congrats guys.

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12 Responses to "Monday 120507"

  1. Blair Tice Says:
  2. Snatch: 77, 82, 87, 92, 101x6

    Double unders felt really good today perhaps because I was doing them sober?

    Great work this morning 9am. Amanda thanks for all the tips! :-)

    Happy Monday!
  3. Lauren F. Says:
  4. 53x2, 63x4, 68x3, 73 (this one was ugly and needs work!)

    I second Blair's comment about DU's :). I think I was able to do each set of 20 messing up no more than once each round?

    Awesome 9am group as usual!
  5. Jen Says:
  6. I worked up to 119 for snatch. I stuck there for rnds 9 and 10. I still have a lot of work to do on these. I power snatched for today.

    DUs I only missed once on one set.
  7. paul Says:
  8. two PRs for me today! I felt amazing.

    88, 98, 110, 120, 132, 137, 142, 147, 154, 159, 169(PR), 176(power catch, PR), 176(full snatch, PR).

    Previous full snatch 1RM was 164, previous power snatch 2RM was 159 (never power snatched more than that). So this was a big day for me.

    Nice seeing the noon crowd for a change, and good working out with Norm. Safe travels, bro!
  9. Carol Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. Carol Says:
  12. Phenomenal job, Paul! And you made it look like it was easy!
  13. Steve Says:
  14. After many years and a lot of work (well, not as much as there should have been), my double-unders are starting to come together. I had the first hint at that last Friday during Dos Equis and DUs. There were even better today, but they still detracted from my lifts. I ended up at 142 lbs, which is nowhere near my max. I guess the true measure of mastering something is if you can do it when you're tired.
  15. Danny Says:
  16. I got up to 181#, which is PR by 2# for me. I missed on 186#, but I feel like my technique is getting better.

    I want to give a big shout out to my teammates from the Cinco de Mayo event on Friday. Jen, Egan, and Terra you guys were awesome!
  17. Kristina Nash Says:
  18. Good technique work with the Snatch bright and early at 5 am this morning thanks to Amanda. She had her own version of the WOD that forced the whole class to focus on the skill and not the weight. It was good and helped me be aware of what I was doing well and what I wasn't. It all comes down to getting under the bar faster.

    We did 5 sets of 2 on a 2:30 clock: 82-87-87-87-87.

    Our CWOD was:
    5 hang power snatch
    8 bar facing burpees
    100 m run
    AMRAP in 10 min

    I did 5 rounds + 2 hang power snatch.

    The hang power snatch is a tricky little movement.

    Congrats Dos Equis and DU winners! This event was a blast!
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. Snatch is like riding a bike. It has been about 5 months since I have done it and I found my form again easily. Just worked up to 83# which is light but wanted to "ease" into my comeback to CFO.
  21. JennG Says:
  22. Got up to 77# which felt pretty decent. Then used it for the workout and everything fell apart. The bright spot...I got 18 DU in a row. Got into a groove and know what to do to keep these moving in the right direction. Might be the practicing I've been doing, too. Weird.

    With all of the new members & old members, it's seems there should be many more than 11 posts on the blog. Let's work on this.
  23. Paula Says:
  24. Skill- work my way up to 68# with power and squat.
    Squat was not quick enough. Must get faster under bar.

    Conditioning- 53,58,63,73,77,77,82,82,87,87 (Power snatch) which is a 5# PR. I'll take it. Need to work on squat snatch some more. A Lot more. DU's with the new rope are getting better....strung 7 and 8 together.

    Nice having you back Kelli!!!!

    Great job 6:30!

    And big as the classes have been we should have at least 50 blogs a day people. I hope you are logging your workouts somewhere if not here.

Thanks For Visiting!