Warrior Dash Training
In groups of 4 peeps, complete the following for time:
Run 800 meters carrying a 2 pood KB and a 44# bumper
200 Jumping Pull ups (bar no more than 4" below wrist)
Run 1 mile, at every corner (4) complete 10 burpees each
20 Team Tire Flips (just get it flipped)
Two team members lunge 100 meters (curb n back) while,
the other two team members run 400 meters.
The lunging members then run 400 meters while,
the other two take their turn at lunging 100 meters.
Time is called when everyone from your team is back inside the gym through the middle door.
For the carry, it is only 1 kettlebell and 1 blue bumper between the four of you. Share the work. You can have two members hold onto the kb, while one carries the bumper or any combination thereof. For the tire flips, two, three, or even four can flip it. Whatever is fastest.
Post time and team to comments.

How do you like our new Facebook cover photo? Pretty cool right?
Reminder that there is only 1 evening class at 4:30 as we're hosting our first annual Dos Equis & Double Unders event from 6pm to 8:30pm. We'll take teams all the way up until game day so if your on the edge about it, we'll find you a team. I think we have two guys who are interested if they can find the women who'll team up with them.
You are more than welcome to hit up a CFO class and do the event as well. If you don't come, I'm sure there will be pics.
25:58 Rx'd, teamed up with Corey, Jeff and Dane.
Corey and Dane started with KB while Jeff started with bumper; we alternated carrying the bumper for the first 400, then Jeff and I carried KB and Corey and Dane alternated with bumper for second 400.
Jumping pullups were harder than I expected, mile run with burpees sucked, tire flips were fun (teamed up in 2's with Dane and I teaming up and Jeff and Corey teaming up). Jeff and I did 100 meter lunges while Dane and Corey ran 400, then switched. We all finished right around the same time.
Great teaming up with you guys!!!
Great job Meg and Nate!! Nice way to get broken in on your first workout!!
Lunges and burpees were tough, but overall i really liked this. running with the KB was actually my favorite part. I remember running with plates and DBs being way worse. I think KBs are just easier to carry.
Great work, 9am, and great to see some ppl I don't usually see!
Wish I could be there for Dos Equis and DUs tonight, but the wife is getting her Master's, so I'll be at graduation. I will think of you all while I have champagne afterward. But i probably won't do any DUs. probably.
I teamed up with Ellen and Carolina (I hope I spelled right) and finished around 33:30. Ellen and I shared the KB and then I ran/walked the bumper back. Carried it like a large, scratchy, awkward baby. I feel like a pro at jumping pullups since that was my only option for several months. We ran the 200 at the end instead of a 400 but we probably should've done the 400. I wish we could've gotten a slow mo shot of us three amigas running toward the finish line while everyone was clapping. So glorious.
P.S. Posted for you Jen Shannon! ;)
This was the perfect workout for me. I love running :)...
This workout was fun because I got to sweat ridiculous amounts with my new favorite Chicago transplant Blair and also with Jess. Thanks for cheering me to the end.
And thanks to everyone else that clapped and cheered for me. Much appreciated!
P.S. I don't see your post yet Jenn Shannon!