Rest Day

Will be placing an order for these tanks maybe tomorrow. There should be enough to go around for all @WomenofCFO in all sizes. They're a little longer in length, have a nice feel and wear to them, and the design is way cool too.
Check out the little CFO on the back too. Branding, baby! Let'em know where you play with your bells.
Like them?
Kind of frustrating day. I feel kind of beat up, but I learned a lot. Amanda took a close look at my back squat and I am definitely not getting my hips back far enough. I used to be really good at that, but somewhere along the line, I lost ground. I was struggling with 20# under what I should be doing for 3x5, and even then I couldn't force my body into the correct position.
Then 5 rds:
5 CTB pullups
10 OHS (88)
15 GH situps
Started out fast, ended up slow. Also kind of strained my left tricep somehow. Just feels very tight. ugh.
Some days...
Anyways - their WOD was:
4 rounds
400m run
50 air squats
Fought threw some odd humidity and completed in 13:18.
After that worked on the nemesis kipping pullups and HSPU
Love the tanks btw!!
Saw another saying on another site put on shorts/pants along the lines of "does this squat make my ass look big". Thought that was cool too.
Maybe someone has an idea for shorts??
love love love the tank! can't wait to wear it! just bought some tshirts yesterday to represent Omaha,NE for regionals & can't wait to get out some other CFO tees!
3X5 Bench Press @ 198 and struggled with the last rep
Then, Corey the Sadist, came up with the following:
3 Rounds:
500M Row
25 DUs
10 Box Jump Burpees
Very creative but kicked my behind.....last two rounds of rows were brutal.....I felt like big POS.
Thanks, Corey! ;-)
Worked with Hilg on our metcon:
3rnds of 500 m row, 25 DU, 10 burpee box jumps
Worked up a good sweat this morning. Very glad I decided to come usual.
Great working with you Brian (and Jeff)
Ps. Ricky, the tanks are awesome!
Also, THANK YOU for long tanks. Tall girls like to not have to tug at every shirt they own.
Then stayed for Pilates. I was exhausted. I definitely prefer pilates before the workout. Plus its a great way to warm up.
Great job Lauren on the HS and Mike R. on your kipping PU's and yes....Shelley and Karen were sooo close on those muscle ups.
Great job to everyone at 5:30. There was a lot going on. Fun to watch everyone doing there thing.
I love the tanks. I just don't know if they would be too long for someone like me. I guess we will see cuz I got to get one.