Wednesday 120418

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Front Squat

In ten minutes, find a 1RM. With the heaviest, successful weight lifted, after a 3 minute rest, take 90% and for 2 sets, on a 5 minute clock, complete max reps at that weight.

Post 1RM, 90%, and reps completed over both sets to comments/Logwod.

One of our favorite pics of Jen Shannon. A tremendous person with a lot of heart and compassion. Props to this woman. Definitely a @WomenofCFO.

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9 Responses to "Wednesday 120418"

  1. Jen Says:
  2. Ah shucks!! Thanks. Self titled queen of dork pictures.

    177 1 rep...not going to say max b/c I know I could have gone 5-10 heavier.

    162x3 for max reps.
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. I think you're #SimplyStunning Jen Shannon! You and Karen were a couple of beasts with those front squats today! My heroes!

    My last goal written on the white board was 140# for front squat and today I got 152#! Not a lifetime best but definitely a PR since 2011! Had a couple ugly reps in there, need to focus on knees back when I come up! Got in 3 and 2 reps for the 90% sets, wanted more but learned some good tips for next time!

    had a nice time getting to know Stacey and Paula as well, good work ladies!

    and thanks to Carrie for sticking around to do 1:1 class with me! You guys have to check her out next week on Rest days, Pilates can be tough but it's therapeutic! Relates very well to the stuff we learn and do in our WOD's! Give it a go!
  5. Kristina Nash Says:
  6. 1 rep max 167.

    Used 152 for max reps: 5 reps first round and 6 the second.

    Still feeling the deadlifts from Monday in my low back, but much better then yesterday.

    JenS rocks! She is one strong and very fun chick!
  7. Shane Says:
  8. Fun one. 245 (PR) on front squat. Reps were 4 and 3 (messed up on the math, should have used 220 but did 213).
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. 225# 1 RM front squat (2# PR)
    203# for 10 reps total (5,5)
  11. Paula Says:
  12. Jen you crack me up! You are very photogenic! You are always having a good time! You define @WomenofCFO.

    FS-154# (huge 40# PR for me). It's been a long time since I did this. That's what happens when you are off for 6months last year and did 2 strength classes the year before. You tend to miss a few 1 RM's.

    Fun times tonight 6:30!! Angie's "bartender shake weight" was the best! Definitely a classic!
  13. JennG Says:
  14. FS - 137# 1RM, which is significantly lighter than my 1RM last November of 152#.

    Then 121# for 4 & 5.
  15. lynn Says:
  16. FS - 142# 1RM up from 130# 1RM on 02/13/12.

    126# for 5 and 5
  17. Gdawg Says:
  18. bartender shake weight!? I'm sad I missed that...

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